Gluten-Free English Muffins We're Obsessed With & 4 Reasons They Deserve The Top Spot in Your Pantry

The leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, and there's a distinct and vibrant energy shift in the air that manifests itself in our attitudes, wardrobes, and most notably, pantries. It's time to move that tired quarantine sourdough starter off to the side and embrace a little diversity in your bread selection. This fall, we're championing the beloved, but all-too-often neglected, English muffin—because, if you ask us, they haven't gotten the recognition they deserve.
English muffins are the ideal blank canvas for your fall culinary exploration. Why? Well, let's start with:

The Size: English muffins are the perfect size, whether you're eating them alone or cooking up a custom creation. You don't have to choose the number of slices you want to use, how thick to cut the loaf, or question whether it's substantial enough to energize you. Instead, you simply dunk one as-is into your favorite seasonal soup or cut one in half for a toasted breakfast sandwich. Fewer decisions, all the tasty reward—if only every choice was so simple.
For those who struggle with portion sizes, the English muffin is the perfect solution. Small enough that you feel satisfied but not stuffed and easy to save and store for later if you want only half. One and done! (Or more...we won't judge; they're delicious.)
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Honey Whole Grain English Muffins

The Versatility: When it comes to our dinner plates, we prioritize nutritional value and flavor above all. That said, it doesn't hurt when our food looks as good as it tastes. The English muffin round is as aesthetically pleasing as it is delicious! For those who like to embrace their inner food stylist, the English muffin is THE bread choice. It's "cute" in a way the others aren't and perfect for artfully arranging your toppings, whether open-faced or sandwich style. Imagine your favorite round food, miniaturize it with an English muffin, and voilà: snack perfection.
The English muffin is where look and functionality meet in perfect harmony: the nooks and crannies in the round are ideal vessels for creamy almond butter to nestle into or poached egg yolk to be absorbed, making each bite that much more flavor-packed and delectable. Its shape allows for ultimate versatility and culinary creativity, another reason it should take the top spot.

The Taste: Whether you're looking for a more neutral bread base or want something a little sweet, there's a soft and fluffy English muffin variety for you. Now available nationwide, our go-to grocery selection is Canyon Bakehouse's Honey Whole Grain, which are delightful on their own or crisp to perfection in the toaster or oven. They're certified gluten-, dairy-, nut-, and soy-free and made with whole grains, with none of the artificial additives and flavoring you often see when you investigate the nutrition facts of your packaged goods.
Of the many possibilities, two of our tried-and-true Canyon Bakehouse combos are simply butter with a homemade jam, or a honey whole-grain breakfast sandwich with jammy egg, fresh salsa, and avocado.
The Variety: If you think you don't like English muffins, quite simply, think again. There is absolutely a flavor out there for you, you just may not have found it yet.
How about weeknight mini pizzas for the kids? Or peanut butter and banana topped muffins with chocolate chips? Or open-faced hummus muffins with sprouts and smoked salmon? The options are endless.
We put English muffins firmly in the "foods that make you feel good" category (biting into one feels like a hug). Canyon Bakehouse's co-founder, a mom diagnosed with celiac disease, created the brand so no one would have to go without the breads they crave...and you can taste the love in the recipe. They'll satiate your appetite, energize your day, and leave you smiling. What more could you ask for in a bread?
Hungry for more? Find Canyon Bakehouse newest Honey Whole Grain English Muffins in your grocery bread aisle, and learn more at
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Honey Whole Grain English Muffins

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