Ready For Gemini Season? Here's What To Know + How To Work With It

Gemini is a zodiac sign known for being social, chatty, and maybe a bit scattered—and that's the energy we can expect during this year's Gemini season. Here's the lowdown on all the astrological happenings over the next month, plus how to work with them.
The astrology behind Gemini season 2023
This year's Gemini season kicks off with the ball rolling fast, according to Christopher Renstrom, astrologer and author of Rise and Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World. As he tells mindbodygreen, the same day the season begins on June 21, we also have the sun forming a flowing trine with Pluto in Aquarius.
"So it's like a shot out of the cannon—but no sooner does it get rolling than it's brought to a stop by a sun-Saturn square on June 28," he explains, noting that this will have us (especially you, air signs) feeling like we were on a roll only to come up against some roadblocks.
But then, as a full moon in Sagittarius graces skies on June 5, we'll feel a "reassertion" of sorts, Renstrom says. "The full moon squares Saturn, but then it trines Mars—so the full moon is almost like, 'We're gonna do it anyway, and we just found a way to do it,'" he adds.
Renstrom describes Venus as "smoothing the ruffled feathers" we might have felt during the weeks leading up to this transit; just keep in mind that the love planet will be going retrograde in July. "Just because she smooths out the ruffled feathers doesn't mean they're gonna stay that way," he adds.
But have no fear—retrogrades don't have to be a bad thing and can offer us the perfect opportunity to take a step back and reflect before charting forward.
"What's kind of nice about these oppositional energies is that they're rethinking their positions," Renstrom says, which will have all of us rethinking our own positions, too. "When you've got planets turned retrograde like this—definitely Pluto going back into Capricorn—it's going to be a strong revisit for things we felt we were done with," he adds.
How to work with this energy
The name of the game this Gemini season is that nothing is absolute and nothing is settled, according to Renstrom. Like the airy sign of Gemini, things might feel "up in the air," as it were, so we'd all do well to lean on Gemini's propensity toward humor. As Renstrom puts it, "Keep your sense of humor handy."
And you might just have to, he adds, because Gemini season features a number of planets forming squares in fixed signs, which in simple terms just means everyone's going to be a bit more stubborn, extreme, or absolute in their decision-making.
But Gemini, which is a mutable sign, asks us to remain open to possibilities. "Gemini is a mutable energy, and it's not afraid to say, 'Let's revisit this in the morning,' or find a new approach," Renstrom explains.
In short, this season may start out stressful or difficult, especially if you're an air sign. "But if you keep your sense of humor and your charm, you can better suss things out," he adds.
In terms of rituals to do during this season, the new moon and full moon would be excellent days to whip out your favorite new moon or full moon rituals. It may also be worthwhile to do some breathwork, or journaling (to get your thoughts out on paper) since Gemini is one of the more "in-their-head" air signs.
The takeaway
If everything feels a bit up in the air during Gemini season, consider it par for the course amid an air sign season chock-full of retrogrades. The good news is, with the adaptable energy of the Twins holding down the fort, we'll be well equipped to roll with the punches and keep our options open.