Your Sign-By-Sign Guide To November's Full Moon Just Dropped & You Don't Want To Miss It

The month of November is somehow already winding down—but not without a full moon, first. Having just entered Sagittarius season, this full moon will be in Sag's opposite sign, Gemini. And depending on where this moon lands in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what to know.
Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.
Feeling chatty, Aries? As astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS, Imani Quinn, tells mindbodygreen, this full moon lands in your third house of communication. The third house also happens to be associated with Gemini, so it's like you're getting a double-dose of Gemini.
According to Quinn, you might be at the forefront of a lot of conversations right now, ready to speak your piece and take the mic. The one thing to watch out for? Biting words, Quinn says. "With Mars in Sagittarius, we already have the possibility for tensions to rise in conversation, and Aries could definitely be the one stirring the pot—so use this full moon to release judgments and inquire more in conversation," she suggests.
This could be an excellent full moon to take stock of your spending habits, Taurus, as it lights up your second house of possessions and money. As Quinn explains, whether you're balancing your checkbook or reeling in your spending, you can make financial strides under these moon beams.
And if you've been good about budgeting lately? Quinn says that's good news, as this full moon is giving you the green light to treat yourself. It's Sagittarius season, after all, so maybe it's about time you book yourself a vacation or sign up for that pricey workshop you've been eyeing.
You're the star of the show under this full moon, Gemini, as it lands in your first house of self and identity. As such, according to Quinn, you'll be the life of the party in this lunar spotlight, so don't be afraid to do what you do best: put the charm on.
As Quinn explains, "Gemini energy is a very outgoing, charismatic sign and in this time where people are coming together, there will be a lot of social opportunities," noting that Geminis should say yes to those invites and allow relationships to grow. "This full moon is really highlighting their best qualities, I would just say for them to be mindful not to overbook themselves or get wrapped up in things they can't finish," she adds.
This could be a bit of a brooding moon for you, Cancer, as it lands in your twelfth house of endings and the subconscious. This energy is contradictory to Sag's free-spirited push to expand, but Quinn explains you have to take stock before you move forward.
"In order to take flight, it's going to take some interface in the process, even when you can't see how everything is unfolding," she tells mindbodygreen, adding that this moon is challenging you to take a closer look at your inner world, beliefs, and inner child healing. "It's an inner journey for you right now before you get to step out into the world," she explains—AKA when the full moon is in your sign next month.
You have a real opportunity to make an impact under this lunation, Leo, as it falls in your 11th house of larger community, collectives, and purpose. Prepare to put yourself out there, Quinn says, as people are more than ready to receive you now—especially your larger networks.
This probably sounds swell to you, as Quinn notes soaking up the spotlight tends to be what you do best. "It's definitely a highlight season for you, and in terms of what needs to be let go, you should be careful about letting it get to their head and their ego," she explains, adding that ego can get in the way of blessings the universe could be trying to give you.
Making career moves, Virgo? If you're not already, you might want to start, with Quinn telling mindbodygreen this moon lights up your tenth house of public image and career. This could mean more recognition for your efforts at work, or even stepping into a new level of leadership—whatever it is, your work life is expanding right now.
Just be sure you get all the details before you commit. According to Quinn, you're known for your scrutinizing attention to detail, but Gemini's influence could have you moving faster than usual. As such, she says, "It's really important that they ask a lot of questions get all of the information that they need within their work sector."
Get ready to spread your wings, Libra—either by literally traveling or expanding your mind. According to Quinn, with the full moon landing in your ninth house of travel and higher learning, the sky is the limit for you under this moon, and the only question is where you choose to soar.
We're also in Sagittarius season, which happens to be the sign associated with the ninth house. That being said, Quinn notes you've got the green light to book that trip or say yes to holiday invites. Just make sure you don't get bogged down by inaction, as you sometimes do, Quinn warns, because Gemini's influence can amp up your already indecisive nature.
Happy belated birthday, Scorpio! Now that you're another year older, it's time to transform. And according to Quinn, with this full moon falling in your eighth house transformation and intimacy, you've got the perfect opportunity to do so. Take time for yourself right now, and allow the space to get vulnerable with your closest loved ones, she suggests.
Inner needs could come to the forefront, and Gemini's influence may result in you being more willing to talk about it than usual. Don't shy away! You're known for being mysterious, but as Quinn explains, some conversations need to be had. As long as you don't let your boundaries get blurred too much, you're more than suited to handle those challenging conversations.
With the full moon in your opposite sign of Gemini, it's landing in your seventh house of long term partnership, Sagittarius. As such, Quinn tells mindbodygreen that there's a lot of energy supporting your relationships right now, whether you're making new ones or deepening existing ones.
And because full moons have a strong theme of releasing in order to move forward, she adds, you might be assessing which relationships are worth keeping around. Whether it's a friendship or romantic relationship, she explains, "Which relationships are going forward and which ones aren't? Who's coming with you and who's slowing down your ship? You can't say yes to everyone—nor should you."
Give yourself a break, Capricorn. We know, we know—not your usual prerogative, but with the full moon in your sixth house of self care and routine, your body, mind, and/or spirit could be begging for a reset. As Quinn notes, we're coming up on a super busy season as well, "So you really need to make sure your schedule and self priorities are on lock."
People will be asking for your time and attention, so under these moon beams, know it's OK if you can't accept every invite for the sake of some down time. "If you've been slipping on self care, now's the time to get back on the horse and take the time you need for yourself," Quinn adds.
Feeling flirty, Aquarius? With this full moon in Gemini lighting up your fifth house of creativity, fertility, and expression, Quinn says this lunar event is all about one thing: passion. Whether that's passion for a creative project or passion for someone you're crushing on, this moon is encouraging you to follow those impulses.
The question is, of course, how do you move forward? As Quinn explains, full moons are about release, so get curious about what would need to happen to bring this creative energy to life. "It's definitely a time for a new perspective, and thinking about how that spark for creative expression is allowing them to move forward in a new way," she adds.
Last but never least, Pisces, this full moon lands in your fourth house of home and family. Not a bad vibe coming off a holiday weekend—unless there's any trouble on the home front, that is. If there is, it might be impossible to ignore right now. As Quinn explains, you might need to prepare for any of the more unsavory dynamics in your family.
Your action plan? Tap into your empathetic skills to help ease the holiday tensions, Quinn suggests, noting that you have a strong ability to influence the energy and space you want to cultivate in your home before you let people enter it. "And remember to make things feel extra festive at home and bring in some cheer—Gemini and Saj are definitely signs that are about having fun, so you can create that element within your home as well," she adds.
The takeaway
November's full moon is shaping up to be significantly less intense than last month's, which should come to a relief for all of us. With your favorite full moon ritual on deck and a willingness to let go, we can move from this Gemini moon with clarity and curiosity.