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What To Know For This Month's Full Moon + How To Work With It

Sarah Regan
June 13, 2022
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Justin Mullet / Stocksy
June 13, 2022
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Summer is right around the corner, but first, we have one full moon on the horizon. And like every full moon, this one is going to have some unique aspects that you'll want to know about beforehand. Here's the story behind this full moon explained, plus how to work with it, from an astrologer.

What to know about this full moon.

June's full moon will peak just before 8 a.m. EST on Tuesday, June 14—so keep an eye out for it the night before and the night after. It also happens to be a super moon, so it's going to appear bigger and brighter than usual. It will land in the sign of Sagittarius, astrology's adventurous and philosophical archer, so Sag themes will also be present.

As astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D. explains to mbg, this full moon—and this moon cycle as a whole—began in Gemini on the new moon two weeks ago. "It went from Gemini, an air sign that was dealing with this past Mercury retrograde at the new moon, and now with the full moon, Mercury will have just regressed into Gemini, where it's at home," she explains.

Gemini season in general highlights communication and ideas, and once Mercury is sitting comfortably during the full moon, communication may flow more easily. Keep in mind, however, that both Mars and Jupiter are in Aries—amping up our own internal fire (and potentially tempers).

"The most important part about this full moon," Pennington says, "is that Jupiter is in a fire sign, specifically Aries." Even though Jupiter has just left its home of Pisces, she says, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so this combination of a Sag full moon and Jupiter in a fellow fire sign, she says, encourages us to "be free, be active, and work with Mars' energy."

And thanks to the Sagittarius influence, we may feel optimistic around this time as well. It fuels us with an ability to "rebel or have a revelry," she explains. It may also feel like a particularly dreamy or sensitive moon. "Sometimes without boundaries, but very, very creative," she adds, thanks to the sun, moon, and Neptune forming a tight square.

How to work with it:

According to Pennington, the full moon isn't really a time for taking action or making big decisions—that's what new moons are all about. For the full moon, rather, take it as an opportunity to rest or even stop, she says. "It's kind of the central point, like at the top of a roller coaster. You make your way up, which would be the new moon to the full moon, and stop briefly at the top before you roll down the other side," she explains.

And when you're at the top of that roller coaster, what do you do? Look around from this vantage point, of course! Keep that in mind around this full moon, and use it as an opportunity to reflect on the weeks since the new moon, and what you'd like to release that's been holding you back since then.

Pennington also tells mbg that this moon would be a good time to reflect specifically on times when optimism, hope, and imagination have worked in your life, and to infuse those reflections into a few different practices.

For one thing, she says, you can write out your reflections, making them more tangible by bringing them out of your head and into the physical plane. Or, to tune into the watery Piscean vibes of Neptune during this moon, you could take a moon bath, or make moon water, she suggests.

We've got more inspo for full moon rituals here, but ultimately, the thing to remember is that this is a time for rest, not action, Pennington says, as well as optimism and hope. So whatever you do, keep those things in mind.

The takeaway.

This is an overall hopeful full moon, between Sagittarius' adventurous energy and some interesting planetary aspects amping up our energy and drive. Until the next new moon in a couple of weeks, use your time to step back and reflect with optimism.

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