Friended by Jane Fonda

We have a known tradition at Strala. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is played during Corpse Pose (final relaxation where we all lie down for a few minutes and breathe naturally after working our butts off during class). The body and mind can't actually rest unless it's worked out all the kinks. Same in life. Your dreams can come true (the universe can align with your intention) when you work hard consistently through obstacles without complaint. We put in the work and see what happens. That's how I've approached my life and work life, which I see no separation between. Put in the work and see what happens. What makes sense will happen. Work hard, breathe deep, don't complain, and enjoy what comes.
Well a huge dream of mine has come true. I'm working with Jane Fonda. We met a couple months ago. She was gathering a couple interesting fitness experts to create and launch a DVD and product line. The people had to fit in with her philosophy that fitness is for everyone and something that you never stop doing your entire life. It should be fun, approachable, and energizing. Yes! Yoga shouldn't be intimidating or scary, and there are so many benefits available for everyone who practices regularly. Foot putting behind head not required.
Now I don't like to speak in over-used phrases like manifesting your dreams too often because over-use fuels diluted meaning. On YouTube there is a place for you to put in your influences. Mine was always Jane Fonda. She basically invented and popularized physical fitness for the masses. And now here I am working with her continuing that mission for the next generation. We had dinner last week and I met the other awesome other gals involved, Katrina and Karena from Tone it Up, and Jeanette Jenkins. We'll be creating DVDs and launching products within our own disciplines. I'm on yoga, of course.
Now Jane and I are... friends! She's taking a break wile filming to take a workshop at Strala with Tao Porchon Lynch this weekend. When Jane found out there was a 92 year old woman out there teaching and practicing, and dancing, she said she had to meet her!
I'll be blogging during the filming, and other adventures with Jane here on MindBodyGreen. Stay tuned.
The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself.