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The Food Revolution Summit Starts Soon: Here's The 101

mbg editorial
April 12, 2023
mbg editorial
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mbg editorial
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woman eating breakfast and reading in kitchen
Image by Clique Images / Stocksy
April 12, 2023
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As anyone who has felt energized, focused, and clearheaded after a nourishing meal can tell you, food really is fuel. What we put in our bodies has a huge impact on not only our short-term satisfaction but our long-term health. But with all of the new nutritional science research coming out daily, it can be hard to stay up to speed on the best foods for your health and the planet.

Every year, the Food Revolution Summit seeks to make it a bit easier by sharing the latest food and nutrition science to help people make more informed decisions at the grocery store. The 2023 Summit is kicking off soon—here's what it involves and how to take part.

About the Summit:

Helmed by John Robbins, vegan author of the bestselling Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth, and his son Ocean Robbins, The Food Revolution Network shares information about how to contribute to a healthy and sustainable world using a plant-based diet.

Beyond gathering new research, their annual Food Revolution Summit spotlights thought leaders in nutrition and medicine to offer insider advice on how to eat to feel your best.

The summit is geared toward anyone looking to improve their health with food. "Since adopting what I learned in the Summit… I reversed my diabetes and got off all my diabetes medications. I've reversed my macular degeneration. And I've lost 100 pounds," attendee Sheila M. writes of her experience after a previous Summit.

Summit mission

These experts are sharing their No. 1 strategies to optimize your immune system, prevent disease, and be part of the solution on planet Earth—with simple, wholesome, and delicious food!

As for the nuts and bolts, this year's summit will span eight days, from April 26 to May 3. Each day, they'll release one video-based documentary on a pressing nutrition topic—from the foods that support brain health to how to eat to curb climate change. This video will be streamed starting at 8 a.m. PT/ 11 a.m. ET each morning (you can tune in 15 minutes before and after for a live Q&A session) and be available for 22 hours after the initial airing. You can also opt into an upgrade package for lifelong access to the entire eight-part docuseries—more on that below.

Daily schedule:

  • Episode 1 The Food Revolution: What Happens When You Give Your Body the Right Fuel
  • Episode 2 The End of Heart Disease: How To Prevent & Reverse The World's #1 Killer
  • Episode 3 The Truth About Your Brain: How To Prevent Alzheimer's & Improve Mental Health
  • Episode 4 Eating To Beat Cancer & Type 2 Diabetes: What You Need To Do Now
  • Episode 5 The Gut-Inflammation-Autoimmunity Connection: Getting To the Root
  • Episode 6 Solving Obesity: Escaping Diet Tyranny & Finding Food Freedom
  • Episode 7 The Science of Nutrition: Separating Fact From Fiction
  • Episode 8 Earth on the Line: How Your Food Choices Can Change the World

Who you'll learn from

Over the course of the Summit, you'll learn from more than 45 knowledgeable speakers sharing insights from their respective fields. Clinical neuroscientist psychiatrist and 10-time New York Times bestselling author Daniel Amen, M.D., talking about how to eat to protect your brain to chief of cardiology for Kaiser Permanente Riverside Columbus Batiste, M.D., sharing the best foods for heart health, and Black Kreyol farmer and founder of Soul Fire Farm Leah Penniman discussing food justice are just some of the experts on this year's schedule. See the whole lineup here.

How to sign up

To sign up and unlock hours of food and nutrition advice, visit the 2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries landing page. The Summit is free to attend, and for $67 you can also access unlimited replays of the eight-part docuseries, plus transcripts and downloadable audio and bonuses like plant-based recipes and demos. See you there for tons of tasty food content, all in one place.

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