What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Money: May 2017 Edition
May 2017: Monthly Money Horoscope
As the earth explodes into blossom during Taurus season, we’re invited to feast at the luscious table of our own self-worth. Can you trust into the earth’s endless supply and quiet any voices of scarcity or repression? The zodiac’s bovine bombshell tells us there’s more than enough to go around. With Mercury out of retrograde starting May 3rd and Venus in Aries, it’s a luxurious moment for harnessing the pure power of pleasure in all its forms. So want what feels good to want. Wear it like haute couture. Drink it all the way down into your precious, gorgeous body. 'Cause, baby, you are absolutely, always, worth it.
Money mantra of the month: "I trust in the value of pure pleasure."
Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 20)
Mercury re-enters your sign mid-month, and you’re being asked to excavate old narratives around security. Release the story you’ve always told yourself about your earning potential.
Luxe Activation: Savor boss-lady memoirs and documentaries that detail triumphant tales of self-made success.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun. 20)
With Mars in your sign this month, the financial forecast is all about curious collaboration and invigorated creative inspiration—tap into your capacity for invention and uncommon ideas.
Luxe Activation: Sign up for a class where you get to sample and blend all the possibilities like perfume making or painting, or wander a new neighborhood and delight in the unexpected collisions between colors and textures.
Cancer (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22)
While you sometimes tuck too far into your clamshell, this month is all about valuing this retreat and laying the groundwork for the kind of security that happens on a soul level. Investigate long-term investments that will keep giving for years.
Luxe Activation: Celebrate solidity with fortifying nut milks and root veggies, or sink your hands into the dirt for a gardening project.
Leo (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22)
The moon’s north node moves into your sign this month, you delicious little kitten, and it’s all about dreaming even bigger and bolder, and mining your creative passions for solid gold value. Let full-throttle, expansive imagining pave the way to pragmatic money magic.
Luxe Activation: Deck out your living space with some over-the-top luxe accents—think jeweled adornments, fake fur, and marble coasters, or take an impromptu weekend getaway to someplace sun-soaked.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Though you’d sometimes rather forget it, you’re an earth sign, baby! This month is all about indulgence for you—notice where you hold back from material pleasure and take your foot off the brake.
Luxe Activation: Savor sumptuous chocolates, classically rich scents like rose, and decadently soft fabrics.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
With your ruler, Venus, in the driver’s seat this month, balance the urge to splurge on decadent delights with a little healthy restraint that still feels delicious.
Luxe Activation: Check out an art museum or botanical garden where you can take in the gorgeousness without having to purchase.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
No more hoarding! This month is all about the free flow of goods and resources and letting financial generosity lead to greater prosperity.
Luxe Activation: Take unworn pieces to a clothing swap, give sweetly prepared gifts to your besties, and practice letting it all go with a ritual burning of old papers.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
With Saturn in your sign aspecting Uranus this month, it’s all about radicalizing your money game with a little risk taking while still being mindful of future effects. Find outlets for financial speculation without blowing it all.
Luxe Activation: Try low-stakes gambling in AC or an edgy new style that’s equal parts unruly and office ready.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Pluto has gone retrograde in your sign and this energy invites you to completely transform your relationship to resources—rediscover financial independence and self-sufficiency in unexpected places.
Luxe Activation: Reactivate a skill you’ve used in the past and ask to get paid for it, take a wilderness survival course, or go digging in your closet for a power suit you haven’t worn in a while.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
While you're not always comfortable on the earthly plane, this month you’re asked to lose some of your intellectual money "strategy" and get back to the basics of gut instincts.
Luxe Activation: Get super sensuous with a belly dancing class or tasting menu where you can tap back into simple sensation and figure out exactly what you crave.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20)
With Chiron in your sign being challenged by Saturn in Sagittarius, it’s a month to really feel into your financial wounds—where have you given your power away or not owned it completely? How can you use this tender place to wield newfound strength?
Luxe Activation: Tap into tough tenderness with bold floral essences or listen to ballads that are both emotionally exposed and badass.
Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19)
With Venus direct in your sign, it’s time to straightforwardly state what you want your bank account to look like right this very moment and to recognize that frictional challenges can sometimes give birth to your sweetest success.
Luxe Activation: Play with mixing sweet and spicy flavors and stripping down your beauty routine to a few simple steps to inject a charge of financial clarity.
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