Here's What All 12 Zodiac Signs Need To Know For February's Full Moon

There's a full moon just around the corner, and with it being Aquarius season, this full moon will be in Aquarius' opposite sign, Leo.
The moon is set to peak on Wednesday, February 12, at 8:53 a.m. EST, but depending on your sign and where this moon falls in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what to know.
Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.
It's time to let yourself shine, Aries. With this Leo full moon lighting up your fifth house of passion and creativity, you're being encouraged to step into the spotlight.
As such, this is a good time to assess what might be stopping you from owning your creative and expressive side. Are there limiting beliefs around being seen and heard that keep you from expressing yourself? Now's the time to remove those blocks and be yourself—unapologetically.
How are things on the home front, Taurus? As this full moon in Leo spotlights your fourth house of home, family, and roots, you're assessing what needs to be let go of in your home and family life for greater ease.
And with Leo's themes of expression and drama at play, this could deal with not feeling seen or respected in your own home. Are there ways you're not being heard at home? Or perhaps ways you're not hearing others? This full moon is encouraging you to figure out what your household needs.
As this full moon lights up your third house of communication and local community, Gemini, you'll be feeling right at home. After all, this is the house your sign is associated with—and with Leo's influence, the name of the game is letting yourself be heard.
If you run up against any fears or doubts about your own self-expression, this full moon is encouraging you to release them. Don't be afraid to speak your truth, share your ideas, and give it all a dramatic flair. Your words will be especially potent right now.
How are your finances looking lately, Cancer? This full moon in Leo lights up your second house of money and material security, so this is an excellent time to assess your budget. Given that full moons are about releasing, this could be a welcome opportunity to let go of any bad money habits that are draining your resources.
Not to mention, time is a resource too, so think about what you need to let go in order to better invest in yourself. And remember, Leo is a generous sign, so take note of any beliefs that keep you from extending generosity to others.
This is your full moon, Leo, lighting up your first house of self and identity. It could very well feel like you're entering a new chapter or even reinventing yourself in some way—but that doesn't mean it's always easy.
You're being encouraged to change right now, Leo, which often requires letting some things go. That's what full moons are all about, after all, so don't be afraid to switch things up. The unknown might feel daunting, but your next evolution is waiting to be realized.
This could be an especially sentimental or somber full moon for you, Virgo, as it lands in your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious. Next time around, the full moon will be in your sign, so right now, you're releasing any baggage necessary to move into your next chapter.
The name of the game under these moonbeams is to rest and restore yourself. Your dreams might be especially potent as well, with the 12th house dealing with dreams. And with Leo's influence, pay extra attention to insights that come through around your own expression and being seen.
Feeling social, Libra? You've got the full moon in Leo lighting up your 11th house of a larger community, networking, and the collective, giving you the perfect opportunity for you to show up in your community—and even for your community to show up for you.
You might feel especially energized under these moonbeams or even inspired to put yourself in the spotlight. With Leo's influence, after all, you'll be feeling loud and proud. Just remember, we're in Aquarius season, which is actually the sign associated with the 11th house. Above all, Aquarius is a humanitarian, so use the spotlight wisely.
How are things on the job front, Scorpio? If you've been itching to make some career moves, you'll be happy to know this moon illuminates your 10th house of public image and career. Even if you're not looking for a career pivot, you might find more responsibility is thrust upon you under this Leo moon.
If not responsibility, perhaps recognition; Leo loves the spotlight, and you'll be center stage at the office. Don't shy away from it! You've earned the recognition for your efforts. Allow this moon to remove any blocks around taking up space at work—you deserve to be heard, as well.
You'll be doing what you do best under this new moon, Sagittarius: expanding your limits. With the full moon lighting up your ninth house of travel and higher education (the house associated with your sign!), you'll have a keen sense of where you want to go—and where you want to grow.
Of course, the caveat of a full moon is they often highlight what needs to be released in order to move forward. Whether you're looking to expand your physical horizons or mental ones, let this Leo full moon inspire your courage.
Feeling vulnerable, Capricorn? This Leo full moon is making waves in your eighth house of transformation, sex, and intimacy, and as one of the more mysterious zones of the birth chart, it's also one of vulnerability.
With Leo's influence, we can relate vulnerability and intimacy to expression, sexuality, and even flirting. Leo is a bold and proud sign, unafraid to wear their heart on their sleeve. Take a page out of their book under this moon, Cap, and trust that you can release patterns of secrecy and open up to those closest to you.
Happy birthday season, Aquarius! It's your astrological season, and that means the Leo full moon is landing in your seventh house of partnership and long-term commitments. In other words? Your closest relationships are front and center in your mind right now.
And given full moons are a time of release, you might be asking what shifts, changes, or even endings need to occur within your relationships for you to feel more acknowledged and understood. Of course, if things are flowing smoothly, don't overthink it; enjoy this time with your loved ones and the outpouring of love during your birthday season.
Have you been sticking to you New Year's health resolutions, Pisces? Have no fear if you've been slacking; this full moon lights up your sixth house of self-care, health, and routine, giving you the perfect opportunity to assess what is and isn't working for you to feel your best.
Above all, take it slow and nourish yourself under these moonbeams. If there's anything Leo reminds us, it's that self-care isn't selfish, and of all the signs, Pisces, your sensitive nature needs rest the most.
The takeaway
Regardless of your sign, this full moon in Leo during Aquarius season reminds us of the fine line between the self and the collective. Leo is also a sign associated with joy and play, while Aquarius is more serious and motivated by progress.
Under these moonbeams, we can all strike the delicate balance between the two. (P.S.: Don't forget to do your favorite full moon ritual!)