Your Sign-By-Sign Horoscope For February's Full Moon In Virgo

February's full moon is right around the corner, and having just entered Pisces season, this full moon will be in Pisces' opposite sign, Virgo. While we did just enter a new calendar year, the astrological new year is technically the spring equinox, making this the last full moon of the astrological year.
It's set to peak on Saturday, February 24, at 7:30 a.m. EST, but depending on your sign and where this moon falls in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what to know.
Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising sign.
Time to home in on your habits, Aries, as this Virgo full moon lights up your sixth house of routine and self-care. And considering full moons are all about releasing, explains astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, the focus now is on the habits that are holding you back.
"How are you holding yourself back with old habits, lack of boundaries, and a general sense of not taking care of you?" Quinn says, adding, "The full moon is here to remind you that starting with self-care is the best way to be able to show up in the world."
Feeling expressive, Taurus? As this full moon lands in your fifth house of creative expression, Quinn tells mindbodygreen you're refining your creative process right now and, namely, letting go of the things that block it.
In order to clear those blocks, she explains, you'll want to find tangible ways to hold yourself accountable to prioritize your passions and creations. And since we also just began Pisces season, Quinn adds, "Feel into the expansion of Pisces season to dream big, and use Virgo energy to help you take the steps to get there."
How are things going on the homefront, Gemini? According to Quinn, with the full moon spotlighting your fourth house of home and family, it might be causing some emotional turbulence. Uncomfortable? Definitely—but it's for the best, Quinn says.
The energy of this moon, she explains, is helping you reassess what you need within your home and family life to feel safe, secure, and comfortable, "and to take the necessary steps and show up for your family when it's needed." Lean in, Gem, but don't be afraid to let go of what isn't working.
Get it off your chest, Cancer! With the Virgo full moon landing in your third house of communication and local networks, Quinn says it's time to express yourself. If there's something you've been avoiding speaking up about, you might not be able to resist the urge now.
Say what needs to be said, don't harbor past resentments, and step out of your shell, Quinn recommends. And remember, full moons are about releasing, so let go of the blocks that keep you from speaking your truth. "Also be aware of others who may need to approach you and share things that haven't been shared," Quinn adds.
Money on your mind, Leo? With the full moon lighting up your second house of possessions, material resources, and finances, it might be time to do some budgeting. Or at the very least, Quinn says, evaluating your financial status and taking precautionary steps where needed.
"Sometimes you like to spend money and live lavishly," she explains, "but this Virgo moon is telling you to cut back when needed and hold yourself accountable to your bigger financial goals."
This is your full moon, Virgo! As such, according to Quinn, it's landing in your first house of self and identity, so this is your time to fully reevaluate the values and standards you're upholding within yourself. She recommends asking yourself where they could use a refresh for the person you're becoming.
Think back to the intentions you set around the new moon during Virgo season of last year (around your birthday). Now, this Virgo full moon can be thought of as a "check in," six months before the next Virgo new moon. "Allow the bigger vision of your life to guide you and your smaller actions, and make sure the energy is going where it needs to be," Quinn adds.
This could be a heavy but simultaneously healing full moon for you, Libra, as it lands in your 12th house of endings and the subconscious. According to Quinn, "It's time to let go of illusions you've had—big fears that have kept you from going for what you want."
Whether it's negative self-talk, inner child wounds, or limiting beliefs, she explains, this full moon will bring it to light in order to clear it out, as well as reveal just how much it keeps you from showing up. "Let it be a reminder that every step forward is a step in the right direction," Quinn adds.
Are you willing to be seen, Scorpio? It's not something you're typically inclined to, but as this full moon lights up your 11th house of networks, humanitarianism, and larger community, Quinn explains, you're being challenged to show up for the greater good. And sometimes, that involves putting yourself out there.
There's nothing wrong with being discerning about who you trust, especially if you find this full moon illuminating naysayers or connections that aren't in alignment for you. But as far as those connections that are in alignment, Quinn says, don't cut yourself off from community.
With this Virgo full moon spotlighting your 10th house of public image and career, Sagittarius, it's time to get crystal clear on your professional goals. What is it that you really want from your career? What haven't you accomplished yet that you want to accomplish? These are the questions to ask yourself now, Quinn tells mindbodygreen.
"Take a really detailed and clear look at where you are and where you want to be—and take the necessary steps to get where you want to go," she says, adding, "Know that sometimes the small steps are most important. Even when you take two steps back, sometimes it allows you to take five steps forward in the future."
Where can you create room for yourself to grow, evolve, and expand, Capricorn? According to Quinn, this full moon is landing in your ninth house of travel and higher learning, so you might be itching to push some boundaries. Of course, you might simultaneously run into the very hurdles that hold you back.
So, Quinn says, get clear on your future vision—whether that's travel plans or studying something new—and see if any logistics might get in the way. From there, "tackle them one by one," she adds.
This could be a particularly transformative full moon for you, Aquarius, as it lights up your eighth house of rebirth, transformation, and intimacy. As the house associated with Scorpio, the eighth house is not only sensitive but also mysterious—definitely foreign territory for the sometimes aloof Aquarius.
According to Quinn, the focus for you now is looking at your own vulnerabilities and how you might be perpetuating them by holding yourself back. "When you imagine your bigger dreams, what fears of intimacy do you need to address in order to get there? Identify those and tackle them," Quinn says, adding, "It may be a conversation with a partner or a confidant that helps you break through."
Your partnerships might feel like they're under a magnifying glass right now, Pisces, as this full moon spotlights your seventh house of partnerships. As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, you could be feeling challenged to shift (or let go entirely) of relationships that aren't allowing you to grow in the way that you'd like to grow.
"The Virgo full moon is asking you to be most loyal to yourself, even when you're afraid to hurt someone else's feelings," she explains. So remember, Pisces, you deserve your own kindness just as much as everybody else.
The takeaway
The Virgo full moon each year serves as an annual reality check for our habits and routines, which impact virtually every aspect of our life. If there's one thing Virgo does best, it's refine. So with your favorite full moon ritual on deck and a touch of Virgo's critical eye, it's out with the old and in with the new—just in time for spring!