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5 Things You Need To Know Today (February 1, 2018)

Lindsay Kellner
February 01, 2018
Lindsay Kellner
Contributing Wellness & Beauty Editor
By Lindsay Kellner
Contributing Wellness & Beauty Editor
Lindsay is a freelance writer and certified yoga instructor based in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a journalism and psychology degree from New York University. Kellner is the co-author of “The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self Care,” with mbg Sustainability Editor Emma Loewe.
Photo by Ivan Solis
February 01, 2018

1. Climate change is seriously affecting hot sauce production.

Tabasco (yes, the hot sauce) is currently produced on Avery Island, just off the Louisiana coast. Now, rising seawater is turning the marshland uninhabitable, forcing the family who has been producing the sauce there since 1868 to move their production. "The marsh protecting the island is losing about 30 feet per year," the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. "The land is sinking as well. Subsidence drops the Louisiana coast by nearly an inch per year." (New Orleans Times-Picayune)

2. Still hungry after dinner? Your hormones may be to blame.

A new study finds that levels of ghrelin—the hormone that signals hunger in the body—are typically higher at night than in the morning. In order to keep your hunger-inducing hormones in check at night, you can cut back on sugary fruit before bed and make your sleeping space a tech-free zone. (mindbodygreen)

3. Your brain's neural responses can predict a lot about who your friends are.

According to a new study out of Dartmouth, the reasons we pick the friends we do is no accident: Apparently, friends often have similar neural responses to real-world stimuli. In other words, if your brain responds to something like a video in one way and another person's brain responds in the exact same way, you're probably more likely to be friends. (Science Daily)

4. Is in-flight yoga the future of travel?

Cathay Pacific is the first major airline to introduce flight-friendly yoga and meditation exercises to help relax passengers during travel. The announcement comes on the heels of the company's new Life Well-Travelled initiative, a campaign created to help make the flight experience more personable and meaningful. Did we mention that all the exercises are designed to be performed while seated? (mindbodygreen)

5. There's a new reason to get cozy this weekend.

A new paper, published in the journal Joule, suggests that staying home is good for the environment. Apparently, making use of technology (like streaming movies instead of going to the theater) can majorly cut down on energy use. Hygge, anyone? (Popular Science)

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