What Goals To Set (And Achieve!) This Year, Based On Your Enneagram

The beginning of a new year is a natural time for us to contemplate our past, present, and future. We can't help but think, "what needs to change so that I will be happier this year than last year?" But happiness, as you may be aware, is personal. We all go about getting it differently—and many of us are guilty of doing the same things every year and hoping for a different result.
To shake up your resolutions this year, here are some goals each one of the nine personality types of the Enneagram might want to set for a richer, happier life in 2022.
Type One: Take more time for yourself.
Don't buy into the idea that you have to constantly be working to please others, Ones. Instead, consider making a resolution to put yourself first this year. You've spent enough of your time thinking about what's "right" or "good." In 2022, make it your goal to just have dedicated "me" time every day or week when you take a nap, express your creativity, or otherwise indulge yourself.
Type Two: Ask for help when you need it.
This year, don't get trapped into thinking that you need to do better for those you love. Instead, trust that those around you appreciate you just as you are. Make it your resolution to reach out and ask for help when you're overwhelmed, and for company when you're lonely. Express your needs and stay open to receiving from others instead of constantly giving.
Type Three: Set boundaries at work.
You are right where you should be, and you are not falling behind, Threes. Life is not a race. Every year you've set professional goals—and likely achieved them—but how are your relationships and your mental well-being? This year, make a resolution to not set any resolutions. Instead, slow down and let life simply happen. Sleep in, go for a long walk, and catch up on that show instead of feeling like you constantly need to work.
Type Four: Break your goals down into baby steps.
Fours, you've likely set grand resolutions in the past only to realize they were too big or overcomplicated. This year, commit to baby steps. Go slowly. Instead of aiming to hit the gym six times a week starting tomorrow, gradually build up your strength. What matters is not how strong you start but how strong you finish.
Type Five: Push beyond your comfort zone.
After another year with so much on your plate, Fives, you may be wondering how you could set yet another resolution. Reframe this year as a time to push yourself out of your comfort zone by 1% every time. Eventually, you will get used to it, and you'll soon find that you can do consistently more than you once could. You don't need to go big. Just go.
Type Six: Embrace failure.
Make it your resolution to embrace failure this year, Sixes. It may sound counterintuitive, but for you, achieving a goal isn't as crucial as knowing that you gave it your all. Remember: Some things in life are like learning to ride a bike; you just have to fall and keep getting back up. How can you become more comfortable with that process in 2022?
Type Seven: Stick to a routine.
Sevens, you likely have a ton of hope and excitement for this year. You can't wait for all the new experiences in store for 2022. But is new necessarily better? Consider making it your resolution to settle down, exercise discipline, and lean into routines. Remember that although some good things in life require a leap of faith, others require deliberate and disciplined work.
Type Eight: Be more intentional with your time.
You are often called the Challenger because you continually want to challenge yourself, Eights. This new year, you likely already have a list of resolutions you're chasing. But where is the time and energy to achieve them coming from? What is being sacrificed? This year, consider making it your resolution to be more intentional about the challenges you set, and focus your energy on the tasks at hand and the people around you.
Type Nine: Avoid procrastination by breaking down your goals.
Nines can be tempted to procrastinate every once in a while, but this is a great year to actually get those goals done in a timely manner. Develop new habits that help you achieve them: Create a list of what you want to get done and break it down into small steps that feel achievable and exciting to you.