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Energy Reading For March 15–22, 2022: Diving Under The Waves Of Resistance To Find Stillness

Natasha Levinger
March 15, 2022
Natasha Levinger
Author & Energy Healer
By Natasha Levinger
Author & Energy Healer
Natasha Levinger teaches inner child healing and is a professional intuitive reader and energy healer. She is co-host of the spiritual podcast Magic Monday. Her book, "Inner Child Healing," comes out in Spring 2023. Natasha is offering three free meditations to mindbodygreen readers who sign up for her newsletter.
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March 15, 2022
Each week, join author and energy healer Natasha Levinger as she reads the communal energy to predict what's in store for us in the days ahead.

We are all interconnected—which can be easy to forget about as we go about our seemingly separate lives. This week will remind us of this connection and challenge us to work through difficult emotions together so we can emerge on the other side stronger for it.

Energy Reading For March 15–22, 2022: Diving under the wave to find calm waters.

The first part of the energy this week feels like a wave (we're still in Pisces season, after all) pushing toward and against us.

I feel we are all affected by the heartbreak and destruction happening in Ukraine right now. When I sit with this feeling, my guides tell me that "There is always war, there is always love, there is always heartbreak, and there are always levels upon levels of joy. All these streams of energy are happening at all times. You can be made more aware of one as you are less aware of another. It is possible to tune into peace even as war abounds."

Now, let me mention a huge caveat: I am not directing this to the victims of the conflict in Ukraine or their loved ones. The message isn't, "No biggie, folks! Just like, find your personal freedom within it." Not at all. Their struggle is one that I cannot pretend to understand or feel. This message is for those of us who are watching this violence from afar but still feeling it ourselves on some level. (Remember: We're all connected.) It feels like it did during the height of the pandemic, when we were all weighed down with heavy energy at all times. We can't help but feel the struggle of others within ourselves. 

So, how can we show up for those who are suffering but find our own sense of peace? What I'm seeing is a surfer in the ocean going underneath the wave. There is a new flow, a new direction, where you can find connection both to your heart and to what makes you feel alive. It exists and it's calling on you to ask yourself, Where do I want to direct my energy? What actions can I take to direct my path the way I want it to go? How can I connect to peace in my life now?

Sometimes the best path to finding who we truly are is by following the joy. And I do see a decision early in the week coming up that asks us, Is it possible to pivot and focus on where I am most connected to my heart? It feels to me like a path to the freedom of who we really are. This doesn't mean putting your head in the sand—it means choosing to focus on what makes you come alive. 

Then, at the end of the week, it feels to me like we get a breath of fresh air, a feeling of relief and a sense of wanting to rush into it (possibly because of the heavier energy earlier in the week). I say go ahead and rush into it.

Tool for the week.

If you are feeling things are a little hard, tune in to your inner child by asking yourself if there's something that part of you would like to do that you have been putting off. Even if it's going for ice cream or singing karaoke, see if you can let yourself do that. Allowing yourself to feel joy is energy healing in action.

Clear some clutter. When things are feeling hard, we can move energy by moving things out of our house (or vehicle, or office). This is another sneaky energy healing tool. We often feel so much lighter when we move physical things out of our life that aren't serving us anymore, and that in turn can bring a flow into other areas of our life. Notice the connection that you may have disregarded earlier.

The bottom line.

As my guides said, all experiences and emotions are always happening all at once, and we contain all the energies as well. So be kind and patient with yourself and see what happens when you tune into your heart this week.

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