
Do you wake up energized and ready to tackle your day? If the answer is no, you’re definitely not alone. So many of us rely on hits of sugar and caffeine throughout the day to function the way we want to.
When you think about it, it’s no surprise we’re all so tired! We’re all busy, many of us have kids and other family obligations, we live in a culture that is just starting to place value on sleep and self-care, and many of us sit looking at a computer screen for more hours a day than we’d like to admit. But know this: The situation is far from hopeless! There are some really simple ways to help your body and brain feel more energized throughout the day. If you’re feeling a bit lethargic, sleepy, or uninspired lately, one of these tips might be just what the doctor ordered:
1. Track your sleep.
We’re learning more and more that sleep quantity and quality matter, especially when it comes to our energy levels and mental clarity. That being said, it can be hard to know how much sleep you really need—some people can function optimally on seven hours, and others need as many as nine. If you’re feeling tired frequently, it’s worth keeping a sleep diary for a few weeks to track your daily energy levels and how much sleep you’re getting the night or two before. You might find out that seven just isn’t enough!
2. Check your nutrition.

Our bodies need a lot of nutrients to get through the day, and a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can leave us feeling sleepy, foggy-brained, and lethargic. Luckily, Nature Made—a longtime leader for quality and purity in the world of vitamins and supplements—has your back. Their Daily Energy adult gummies are a great way to make sure you’re getting your daily dose of vitamin B12, which supports cellular energy production in the body.† They are made with natural flavors and no synthetic dyes, yeast, or gluten to make sure you’re getting the vitamins you do want without any ingredients you don’t.
3. Connect more.
There are definite pros and cons to having a daily routine. And while we love a good a.m. or p.m. ritual, if your daily schedule is feeling more like this: wake up, drink coffee, go to work, go to the gym, go home, make dinner, go to sleep, repeat, it might be time to mix things up. Why not try a new restaurant for dinner with a friend from work? Or have a FaceTime date with a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while? Human connection makes us feel positive, grounded, and energized—and it prevents us from falling too far into our beloved habits and routines.
4. Play.
Going to the gym is an objectively healthy activity, but it can also feel monotonous, which is a recipe for low energy levels. So if you’re feeling like your legs are made of lead and you just can’t bear another afternoon on the treadmill, this one is for you. Try joining an intramural sports team or learn to play tennis. It could even be as simple as bringing a Frisbee to the office and throwing it around during your lunch break. You'll have fun and you'll still get your cardio in too; we promise!
5. Get real about your stress levels.
It doesn’t matter how many green smoothies we make, workout classes we attend, or healthy meals we prepare for the week; if we’re stressed, we’re not functioning as well as we could be. And it might seem counterintuitive, but stress and anxiety can zap our energy and leave us fatigued—despite the fact that our minds are running at 1,000 miles per hour. But don’t worry, that’s just one more reason to get some extra energy-supporting nutrients into your life with Nature Made Daily Energy gummy vitamins.
It’s easy to go through our everyday life feeling tense and anxious and assuming that’s just the way it is. But don’t settle for feeling any less than optimal. Instead, turn to stress-busting techniques like journaling, connect with friends, try new things, and make sure you’re covering your bases when it comes to nutrition. All of these tips are well worth your time. Your energy levels will thank you!
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Read more here.