Dream Of Drowning? Here Are 7 Things It Could Mean + What To Do About It
Our dreams can offer us unique glimpses into our subconscious, with some dreams being pleasant and enjoyable—and others being more stress-inducing.
Dreaming about drowning tends to be the latter, and whether you've just had this dream or you've been having it repeatedly for years, here's what it could be telling you, plus what to do about it.
What does it mean to dream of drowning?
Our dreams have a way of helping us process and integrate certain emotions, even giving us guidance or clarity in some cases, according to professional dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg, so long as we can understand them.
And in the case of drowning dreams, she says, the most common emotion associated with these dreams is stress, overwhelm, or otherwise feeling like you're "in over your head" and can't breathe. Something in real life likely has you feeling like you're "in too deep," Loewenberg says, noting that our dreams often use wordplay in their symbolism.
Whether it's your job, your relationship, your family, or your own emotional baggage, something is weighing you down, and this dream is your subconscious' way of playing out these feelings, Loewenberg adds.
7 drowning dreams scenarios & their interpretations
If you're drowning alone
According to Loewenberg, dreaming of drowning by yourself indicates the aforementioned general theme of feeling stressed or overwhelmed about something. But because you're alone, she explains, that's a clue your stress coming from within you, as opposed to an external source.
"You're really gotten in too deep into something, like debt, or really any situation you want to get yourself out of," she says, adding, "And if you're alone, that will tell you the situation you're in is of your own making."
Loewenberg also notes that this dream can be directly connected to the fact that you are feeling all alone in life. "And that may be because you're not letting it be known that you're in this situation," she adds.
If something is pulling you down
On the flipside, if something in the dream is pulling you down, such as a net, a heavy weight, or even a person, that's a big clue that something external in your life is causing you stress. Something you deal with regularly is weighing you down or creating a sense of struggle within you, Loewenberg says.
If someone is trying to save you
If you're drowning in a dream and someone is trying to save you, Loewenberg tells mindbodygreen, your subconscious is encouraging you to either ask for help or allow others to help you.
This is especially relevant if you tend to be someone who doesn't like to admit when they need a hand, feels uncomfortable accepting someone else's kindness, etc. As Loewenberg explains, "Allow yourself to have help, whether it's in the form of advice, financial help, emotional support, or someone taking on some of your responsibilities—it's time to take some of the load off and it's OK if you need to ask for help."
If you see signs of salvation
Some drowning dreams might involve something like a lifevest, a rescue ship, or a helicopter. According to Loewenberg, any signs of salvation in this dream are encouraging you to stay strong in whatever real life situation this dream represents.
"If you see something that can save you, that is your subconscious reassuring you that help is available to you and a better situation is right around the corner—you got this, and it's OK," she says.
If you can suddenly breathe underwater
We obviously can't breathe underwater in real life, but dreams make the impossible possible, and according Loewenberg, a lot of people have reported dreaming about breathing underwater.
"I've been told many times that at some point in the drowning dream, some people will actually realize they can breathe underwater, and that's actually pretty common," she says, explaining that this would indicate your subconscious is letting you know you can survive the real life situation the dream represents.
If you're slowly sinking
If the thing that stands out most in the dream is a felt sensation of being dragged or pulled down, Loewenberg tells mindbodygreen this can indicate depression or negative emotions. Water in dreams often does represent our emotional world, so feeling weighed down by the water itself is symbolizing drowning in negative emotions, she says, "when your psyche is saying, 'No, pull yourself up.'"
If you drown peacefully
It's also worth noting, according to professional intuitive Catharine Allen, that drowning dreams and other dreams about death could be related to a past life. As Allen previously wrote for mindbodygreen, "Let's say I had a dream that I died in the water, drowned when I fell into the sea. If I felt peace and calm in my dream and like my spirit was at rest, I might come to the conclusion that this dream was about a past life."
How to work through a drowning dream
As with interpreting any dream, the key is figuring out what this dream is mirroring in your waking life. And more often than not, Loewenberg says, it directly relates to something that happened the previous day.
Some questions you might consider asking yourself include:
- What in my life makes it feel hard to breathe?
- Where in my life do I feel like I'm drowning or am in over my head?
- What would need to happen in my life to allow me to breathe easier?
"Figuring out what the stressor is in real life and trying to take a little bit off your plate will make a big difference here," Loewenberg explains, adding give yourself permission to lighten your load, ask for help, or in some way, de-stress.
Check out our full guide to working through recurring dreams for more info here.
What does drowning symbolize in dreams?
Drowning in dreams typically symbolizes feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or otherwise "in too deep" or "in over your head."
What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming about water?
Water in dreams often represents our emotional state, with the quality of the water mirroring our emotions (i.e. stormy waters versus calm and clear waters).
What does it mean when you dream about drowning and you can't breathe?
Dreaming about drowning and not being able to breathe typically means you're feeling overwhelmed or "in too deep" about something in your life.
The takeaway
Drowning dreams are scary, stressful, and can definitely leave you wondering what it actually meant. More often than not, it's a big sign you're stressed out or "in too deep" with something in your life. Figuring out what that is and doing what you can to lighten your load will help rest easier—sans drowning dream.