Does Your New Social Life Stress You Out? 5 Ways To Find Calm

The world is waking up—our social calendars are colorful once again, travel bugs are reintroducing themselves, and the highway is returning to its highly trafficked state. While there's much to be excited about, we can't deny that this new change also triggers some stress and anxiousness.
Do you have "reentry anxiety"?
Reentry anxiety: It's a thing. And if it's reminiscent of your socially awkward preteen days, you're not alone. Reentry anxiety is the feeling of occasional stress or angst about returning to normal life, or what life looked like pre-pandemic. And given the nature of quarantine, it's mostly in terms of our social life and being around people.
Yet while reentry anxiety is a hot topic right now, it doesn't have to defeat us. And it won't if we slow down this transition and prioritize ways to stay calm, like taking PlusCBD Calm Gummies by CV Sciences as part of our routine.* Because the truth is: There's no rush. Perhaps quarantine even illuminated new ways of living that we'd like to take into reentry—like one less happy hour and one more night at home. We're always fans of healthy change... So here are five ideas to stay calm amid your new social life:*
Supplement with hemp CBD to help soothe your nerves.*
Moving out of quarantine, into a post-pandemic world, is not a circumstance any of us were ever prepared for. So if you're feeling stressed out: Cut yourself some slack. It's understandable to want some natural support strategies. Like the calming botanical support that comes in the form of PlusCBD Calm Gummies by CV Sciences, formulated with the neurologically active amino acids L-theanine and 5-HTP, and hemp CBD, to promote balanced brain chemistry that leaves us feeling soothed.*
It's hard enough to remember how to small-talk at the grocery store, nevertheless social events. CBD Calm Gummies help to soothe our nerves and provide a sense of relaxation as we resurrect our social side.* Plus, the CBD in this gummy (made from sustainable hemp) is combined with L-theanine and 5-HTP. L-Theanine1, which regulates the neurotransmitter glutamate, is thought to promote a Zen-like state.* 5-HTP is the direct precursor for making serotonin, which may be associated with calm and a positive mood.*
Schedule "stay-in" nights.
Most of our stress about reentry comes from feeling like we have to snap back to normal life, all at once. But no one is the same after quarantine, and this is your chance to create a new lifestyle that authentically fulfills you. Take your time with reentry by scheduling designated "stay-in" nights, where your hermit self can enjoy the surprisingly lovable activities that emerged in quarantine. Whether it was aimless walks around the neighborhood, quiet nights on the couch, or a fancy home-cooked dinner—we recommend pairing your stay-in night with a CBD Calm Gummy.*

Lean on a mindfulness practice throughout reentry.
Many of us found mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga as a way to cope with pandemic stress. But these practices can be just as helpful in easing the reentry anxiety coinciding with our new social life. Studies have shown that meditation changes areas of the brain concerned with stress2—but only in the long term. So keep at it. Yoga also shares a lot of the benefits of meditation. Make sure you're scheduling time to sit and time to flow!
Regularly reconnect with nature.
This time of reentry can have us feeling like we have to see all the people, all the time. But getting out of the house doesn't always need to be social. Scheduling time to reconnect with nature can be even more rewarding than that coffee date. So head to the park with a blanket, or turn off your phone and go for a hike. Bonus points if you take your CBD Calm Gummy beforehand.* With delicious fruit flavors, and sweetened by organic sugar, this CBD gummy made from sustainable hemp makes relaxation feel like second nature.*

Get good at setting boundaries.
Fun fact: Research has proved that setting boundaries in our work and personal lives can help with stress management. As our society reawakens, boundaries are everything. And boundaries 101: Know when to say no. After more than a year of social distancing, the temptation is high to hit every happy hour and dinner party. But feeling reentry anxiety may be a hint to pause and consider setting a boundary. Boundaries are the structure that will maintain the integrity of a new, healthy social life.
Flip the script.
What we're really encouraging you to do is flip the script on reentry anxiety. It's not something to dread but something to listen to. This feeling may simply be a message to slow down and utilize the self-awareness we discovered throughout quarantine. With this awareness, and the calming convenience of PlusCBD Calm Gummies by CV Sciences, why not emerge on the other side of this pandemic more relaxed and healthy than ever?* From quiet nights in to weekend BBQs, this time is about creating a life where we can have it all.