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Do You Have Spiritual Boundaries? Here Are 7 Ways To Strengthen Them

Tanya Carroll Richardson
October 05, 2024
Tanya Carroll Richardson
By Tanya Carroll Richardson
mbg Contributor
Tanya Carroll Richardson is an author and professional intuitive, giving readings to clients all over the world.
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Image by Addictive Creatives / Stocksy
October 05, 2024
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Knowing your boundaries, as well as periodically revisiting and updating them, is part of a healthy self-care practice. You might have boundaries around your body, home, money, health, and relationships, but have you ever pondered spiritual boundaries?

Below are a few suggestions to consider for strengthening your spiritual boundaries.


Honor your intuition

Your intuitive instincts and insights are part of your spiritual GPS for navigating life. Beyond helping you in basic ways like staying safe and getting your earthly needs met, your intuition helps enormously when trying to discern your soul’s priorities and destiny in this lifetime, which is always evolving. Some spiritual boundaries are ones you have with other people or the larger world, and some boundaries are ones you have with yourself. Honoring your intuition is more of an internal boundary.

We all naturally possess intuition and access to the largely unseen spiritual realm. Learn about your unique intuitive makeup and how to powerfully maximize it with my oracle deck Awakening Intuition.


Widen your circle of compassion

Even when setting a tough-love boundary with someone, or ending a relationship entirely, try to hold some form of compassion for the other person in your heart.

Since the energetic heart is closely connected to the soul, and to Spirit, it can hold and process many conflicting truths. Validate your feelings and set healthy boundaries with yourself and others. Yet also sit with the idea that all beings are deserving of mercy and compassion.

This spiritual truth keeps your heart open, because not all boundaries are about restriction. When someone has caused you great harm, it may not be possible to focus on compassion—or even appropriate. However, compassion is a mindfulness practice you can employ, in some fashion, with most people in most situations.


Recognize weak spiritual boundaries in others

Without judgment, you can simply admit to yourself that someone’s active addiction, poor practical boundaries, or ungrounded spiritual practice may be inviting chaos into their lives. Everyone is on their own journey or path, yet you may sense the way someone is living isn’t the best energetically.

Suggesting they get more support or limiting the time you spend with them—and the time you spend thinking about them—are examples of setting healthy spiritual boundaries.

When someone else has weak spiritual boundaries, they could really drain you. The more your connection to Spirit increases, the more you’ll need to live in a balanced way—and the more you may crave being around others who prioritize balance.


Remember that spirituality is unique to each individual

It can be fun and nourishing to talk about spirituality with others. It’s both nice to have your own spiritual views validated and useful to learn about other spiritual perspectives.

Just avoid debating your spirituality with others or asking others to justify theirs to you. Everyone’s spiritual beliefs are a sacred part of themselves, often reflecting their unique soul, their cultural background, and their individual history.

If you believe in reincarnation or the afterlife, that history may include not only this lifetime but wherever their soul has been before. If there’s someone you value, but their spiritual beliefs clash with yours, it’s usually safe to let this simply be a topic you don’t discuss—as a spiritual boundary.

If you can stay in healthy connection with people who have different beliefs of any kind, it acknowledges the spiritual truth that we are all connected in some mysterious way, despite our many differences.


Respect your time as your most valuable spiritual commodity

Since a human life is finite, your soul only has a very short amount of time here. Of course, there will be days when you don’t want to be at work, are bored at a social gathering, or wish you didn’t have to perform household chores.

As a spiritual boundary, come back to the idea that time is your most valuable spiritual commodity; That might encourage you to stay more present. When we are present in the moment, we can find more meaning in the moment.

I don’t personally believe that everything happens for a spiritual reason, but I do believe we can, many times, create our own meaning—from positive, neutral, and even very challenging situations—that is healing.

Creating or discerning this meaning can be part of your spiritual practice.


Allow for spiritual transformation & inner work

While some of your spiritual beliefs or practices could be a core part of who you are and always will be, other elements might change and transform over time. Your spirituality demands a certain amount of inner work, which simply requires space, flexibility, and curiosity.

Allow for contemplative space on a regular basis, and realize there may be seasons in your life when your spirituality is evolving or growing and you crave more contemplative space. You may have to set boundaries with others that are both responsible and reasonable to get this space.

The benefits of creating this space can be huge, as some of our most important and cherished spiritual beliefs will come via transformation. 


Know your worth

No matter your circumstances or history, in a spiritual sense you were born with inherently high value that remains consistent throughout your life. As a human, you are a powerful spiritual being.

Ideally, you have a fair amount of free will and ability to co-create. Yet even in seasons or places or systems when those gifts are severely restricted, your value never changes.

Others may try to project on to you their negating notions about your value, so having a spiritual practice which reminds you that you’re worthy of unconditional love and grace is not only healing, but very empowering.

Having a healthy spiritual boundary around your worth can help you be bolder and braver about advocating for yourself and living authentically, no matter what others think. Via a spiritual lens, we all have equal worth—including you!

The takeaway

Ask your intuition which of these spiritual-boundary suggestions resonate most with you right now. Pick a number between 1 and 7 with your intuition, either by hearing a number in your mind, seeing a number in your mind, or feeling a strong energetic pull toward a number. Which spiritual boundaries do you have that are not listed here?

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