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Make A DIY Hair Detangler In 2 Minutes Flat & Say Goodbye To Split Ends

Jamie Schneider
November 21, 2020
Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
By Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
Jamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.
November 21, 2020
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Depending on your hair type, detangling can either be something you don't think twice about (seems straight-forward, no? Just run a brush through those strands) or one of your biggest hurdles in hair care (looking at you, friends with curls—getting through knots without snagging, scalp pain, and serious breakage is no easy task). See, one of the biggest mistakes people make is forgoing detangler. But finding a good option for you can make or break a hair care routine—for some, it's the difference between smooth, shiny strands and split ends. 

Ahead, we'll clue you in to who desperately needs a detangler, plus expert-approved recipes to make a DIY spray in less than two minutes.  

Why you should use a detangler. 

For those who detangle their hair when it's wet, some sort of physical barrier is paramount before taking a wide-tooth comb or wet brush to your mane. It's especially important for tight coils or kinks, as these hair types are typically drier and more prone to breakage, and the hair tends to tangle more easily. "In textured hair the cuticle is slightly lifted, and normal daily friction can easily cause strands to tangle and knot around themselves," says hairstylist and cosmetologist Faith Huffnagle, director of education at Prose

Those with curls know well: Comb through the snarls without some sort of detangler (or—gasp—when the ringlets are bone dry), and you're on the fast track to shedding, scalp irritation, and split ends. That said, conditioner works, too, if you like to detangle your strands in the shower (again, just some sort of slip is necessary)—just work through the knots after loading up on your conditioner of choice. If you're partial to detangling post-shower, though, that's where you might need to spritz on a detangling product. 

How to make a homemade detangler. 

While you can snag a market detangler to give your hair some slip, these sprays are incredibly easy to make at home. Below, three ways to customize your own detangler in two minutes flat: 


Use leave-in. 

"Leave-in conditioners and detanglers are pretty much synonymous," says Huffnagle. These not only help seal in moisture post-shower, but they also soften the strands with nourishing, nutritious actives. Simply choose a leave-in conditioner (see here for our selects), apply on freshly washed hair, and comb through. 


Dilute your conditioner.

According to celebrity colorist George Papanikolas, diluting your conditioner is an easy way to create a DIY detangler at home. Since many detangle their conditioner-soaked strands in the shower anyway, you can simply bring your conditioner with you to the sink. Here's what you'll need: 

If you want to go the extra mile, hairstylist and licensed cosmetologist Christina Marie says you can add a few drops of essential oils. Find a signature scent, and make it yours.


Use coconut oil. 

For a natural option, coconut oil—in all its moisturizing, fatty acid-rich glory—makes one great detangler. As hairstylist Miko Branch, co-founder of natural hair care brand Miss Jessie's, once told us about coconut oil for hair, raking the all-natural product through your strands is so easy and effective: "Apply warm coconut oil to hair—section by section—massaging into the roots and saturating hair throughout the tips," she says. "Then run a wide-toothed comb throughout your entire hair to gently detangle." If you don't want to keep dipping into the jar, you can also warm the oil (so it liquefies), and keep it in a spray bottle to spritz on the hair before detangling. 

How to detangle correctly. 

Once you have your detangler at the ready, here's exactly how to use it:

  1. Find the right hairbrush for your hair type: Some need a wide-tooth comb; others are sticklers for a strong paddle brush. There are tons of options to choose from, so find your perfect match here
  2. Determine whether you're detangling wet or dry: While curls should stick to detangling in the shower or post rinse, those with straight or loose waves may fare better combing through dry or slightly damp strands. If your knots are particularly stubborn, use a spritz of your DIY detangler and brush your hair gently from root to tip. If you're detangling wet locks, carry on below. 
  3. Comb from the ends and work your way up: Once your hair is saturated with detangler, start at the tip of your ends, working your way up to the root. Keep it gentle and slow, lest you hit any knots. 
  4. If you're faced with a gnarly knot: For larger snarls, Huffnagle recommends spraying your detangler directly on the clump: "Instead of addressing tangles aggressively with a comb or brush, spray a leave-in or detangling spray directly into the knot and massage it gently with your fingers to loosen." Then take your comb and gently work through the knot—it should easily smooth out. 
  5. Style as per usual: Once your hair is tangle-free, simply go about your usual air-dry or wash-and-go.

The takeaway.

If you detangle your strands while they're wet, you need some sort of physical barrier to provide some slip. Not to worry! You can easily create your own detangler spray at home, and you likely have all the ingredients you need. 

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