What The Divine Masculine Is All About (And How To Balance It With The Divine Feminine)

Divine masculine and divine feminine energy exist in all things—people included.
Not to be confused with male versus female, divine feminine and masculine energies can be accessed by all of us, and part of the spiritual path is getting them into a state of balance.
Here's an introduction to divine masculine energy, plus how to tap into yours.
What is the divine masculine? Examples through history.
The concept of the divine masculine comes from masculine archetypes seen throughout many spiritual traditions, from Hinduism to Greek mythology to Christianity (think Shiva, Zeus, and even the idea of a masculine God or "Father" in Christianity).
These figures represent divine masculine through the qualities they embody.
As intuitive counselor and sacred space designer Elana Kilkenny emphasizes to mbg, "Divine masculine is about archetypes—it's not about men and women."
So even though these archetypes are historically male, they're more of a frame of reference or a touchstone when thinking about what the divine masculine is all about, which brings us to our next point.
Traits of the divine masculine.
The divine masculine is very action-based, focused on doing rather than being. Where the divine feminine represents Universal Motherhood, spiritual author of The Self-Love Experiment Shannon Kaiser explains that the divine masculine is Universal Fatherhood energy. It's all about things like structure, logic, and taking charge.
Kilkenny adds that divine masculine energy is at play with things like assertiveness, confidence, speaking up for yourself, and sometimes, fighting the good fight.
Where divine feminine energy can be more passive and willing to compromise, Kilkenny notes that sometimes, "there are things in the world we do need to fight for, and situations where we need to draw a line in the sand about what's right or wrong." The masculine is good at setting boundaries in this way.
Similarly, this plays into the idea of strength, she adds, and not just physical but emotional strength as well. Divine masculine energy is deeply connected to the warrior within each of us.
Where divine feminine energy can be very internal and reflective, divine masculine energy relishes in doing things out in the real world, like having adventures, making change, saying what's on your mind, and taking risks, she adds. It's also an energy that's often associated with things like logic and critical thinking.
- Risk-taking
- Assertiveness
- Action-oriented
- Discipline
- Boundaries
- Confidence
- Objectivity
- Logic and analysis
- Warrior
- Yang
- Survival
The difference between divine feminine & masculine.
Again, everyone has access to both masculine and feminine energy, regardless of sex or gender.
The divine feminine and divine masculine can be thought of like yin and yang—they're both necessary for balance, but they are different. Too much feminine energy can lead to indecisiveness and not enough action. And too much masculine, Kilkenny notes, can lead to a domineering nature and even war.
The objective is to strive for your own balance of the two. Take the example of a leader, for example. Leadership may be thought of as a more divine masculine quality, but how can one be a leader in a way that honors the feminine, considering compassion and the needs of others as a primary function of leadership?
It's important to note that this balance won't look exactly the same for everyone. "Some people that have more of the divine feminine or the divine masculine may find that works really well for them—it's not about making everyone the same," Kilkenny explains.
How to awaken the divine masculine within.
Feel like you are lacking divine masculine energy in your life? Here are some ways to usher it in:
Use affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful tools for shifting your mindset and activating certain parts of yourself. In the case of the divine masculine, you can think about affirmations related to some of the aforementioned masculine traits, like strength, discipline, and logic. Here are a handful to get you started:
- I am a warrior.
- I am a master of self-discipline.
- I see things clearly and objectively.
- I am confident.
- I know when to take action.
Take risks with confidence.
As Kilkenny notes, the divine masculine doesn't shy away from a little risk. If you're someone who has lots of great ideas, for example, "but you're afraid to put it out into the world, divine masculine qualities are necessary to make your vision a reality and meet your goals," she explains.
Be willing to take risks, hope for the best, but remain unattached to the outcome. What's meant for you will be, so trust that things will work out as they should, and go for it.
Start where you are.
Similarly, be willing to start where you are, even when you don't feel 100% ready. Excess feminine energy can cause stagnation and inaction—so when in doubt, do something.
It's about "being able to assert oneself but still maintain that integrity with who you are—just having confidence and not downplaying it," Kilkenny adds.
Work with masculine teachers, archetypes, and deities.
Consider the areas you feel strong in, where you may struggle, and how patterns play out for you as a result. Figure out what areas you want to work on, and call on any divine masculine archetypes, deities, or even modern teachers to help inspire you.
Kilkenny suggests asking yourself what you can learn from these archetypes and how you can integrate some of their energies while staying true to yourself.
Less internalization, more action.
Along with taking risks and starting where you are, Kilkenny says it's important to start recognizing when you're "keeping a lot of ideas internal and wanting to perfect it before putting it out into the world."
One approach that could help, she notes, is leaning on your intuition to tell you when to take action, as this leans on the feminine as well, but just try to recognize when you may be overthinking it.
Heal your relationship to the masculine.
Perhaps you've had bad experiences with the masculine before, whether the result of your interactions with men, overly aggressive people, or even your father.
Kilkenny suggests looking at those moments when you may be stuck in a historical reaction to the masculine, particularly if you've had trouble embodying it before. Delve into your own ideas of what the divine masculine is, why it matters, and how you can start integrating it.
Stand up for yourself:
And lastly, remember that sometimes we do have to set boundaries and stick up for ourselves, even if it means pressing someone else's buttons. It's not that you want to hurt anyone, but when we don't stand for what we believe in, we actually hurt ourselves.
Kilkenny adds there are certainly moments when you will have to put up a fight—and that's OK.
The bottom line.
There are a lot of misconceptions about what masculinity and femininity mean nowadays, but it's becoming more and more clear that we all have our own balance of both. Just like yin and yang, the divine masculine and divine feminine work in tandem, in constant flux, and when they're balanced, both within us and within the world, we're all much better off.