'It's Not Too Late to Eat' Dinner Shake

We’ve all been there—you’ve been going all day long and get home late. You’re hungry, but every time you eat a late meal you end up with restless sleep sprinkled with some seriously bizarre dreams. Save yourself the toss-n-turns or grumbling tummy option and make this shake to get some good nutrients (dairy-free), coating on the tummy and bonus of a dessert like taste. Life running right on schedule—no worries, this shake will hold up at any time of the day!
8 oz So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk
1 T Flax seed oil
2 scoops Standard Process Complete Powder (or favorite nutritional powder)
1/2 frozen banana
1 T almond or cashew butter
sprinkle cayenne pepper
2 T raw cacao nibs
2 T raw unsweeted shredded coconut
Blend all ingredients together and drink up. Sweet dreams:)