How To Design Your Home For Happiness & Health With This Simple Tip

I’m Jo. I’m a mom, wife, entrepreneur, health and life coach, and a wellness warrior—I’m figuring out life one step at a time. Isn’t everyone? If you know me on Instagram, you know I like to keep it real. Day-to-day life is messy: We all are dealing with our own hardships, the news cycle is stressful (at minimum), and it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed. What I’ve come to realize is that the best things in life are so simple, but it’s our human nature to make them more complicated than they need to be. For me, I’ve figured out the essentials I need to maintain a baseline level of happiness: family, love, light, a great space, and good music. Sonos makes it so easy for me to switch off from work and on to family time.
Come check out my new space and how I’ve designed it with harmony and happiness in mind, and learn how you can do the same, in the video below: