Crow Pose: How-to, Tips, Benefits

In our beginner yoga pose series, Michael Taylor from Strala Yoga in New York City, demonstrates and gives us the scoop on Crow.
How-to: Come into a squat with your feet about as wide as your mat. Plant your palms on the ground under your shoulders, bend your arms slightly, and squeeze your knees firmly around your elbows or upper arms. Rock your weight forward into your hands, coming up high on your toes. Lift your feet off the ground.
Tips: Your feet will lift easily off the ground when your weight is more in front of your hands than behind them. Bend your elbows a bit more and lean your shoulders out past your wrists to shift your weight forward.
Benefits: Builds strength in your arms, inner thighs, and abdomen. Builds focus.

Michael Taylor is a yoga guide at Strala Yoga in New York City. (Michael prefers "guide" to "instructor"). He's practiced Eastern movement and healing techniques for more than two decades. He holds a degree in mind-body medicine from Harvard, and studied alternative medicine and psychology at Oxford. Mike is also the CEO of social media company Odyl, climbs a few mountains in his spare time, and is the husband of yoga master Tara Stiles.

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