Coconut Paprika Chicken
I came home hungry but determined to make something delicious out of what was hanging around my kitchen. I eyeballed the measurements (did I mention I was starving) and came up with an absolutely delicious and super easy dinner. Dig in, play with your measurements—you will love this.
Serves 1
1 organic, free-range chicken breast
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup white wine
2 T ghee
2 T paprika
3-5 large basil leaves, julienned
1 1/2 cups golden cherry tomatoes, halved
Melt ghee in large frying pan and brown chicken with paprika on both sides. Splash wine over the chicken and cook off for 1 minute. Add coconut milk, tomatoes and basil and sauté on medium heat until chicken is cooked through and the tomatoes have wilted. Salt to taste.
Serve over rice or quinoa and garish with any additional basil.
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