Is Cheese Vegetarian? What To Know & 5 That Are

For some people, the deciding factor between going vegan or going vegetarian is the answer to the following question: But could you give up cheese?!
Cheese and other forms of dairy are often included in vegetarian diets because they're produced by animals—they're not the animals themselves. Not to mention, cheese is flat out delicious, provides a decent amount of calcium, protein, and fat (not a bad thing, especially if you're experimenting with a vegetarian keto diet).
But while some cheese can absolutely be vegetarian, a lot of it technically isn't. It all comes down to whether or not it contains a sneaky animal-derived enzyme called rennet, which is traditionally used to coagulate and solidify many types of cheese.
The good news: It's not hard to get your hands on vegetarian cheese if you know what to look for. Here's everything you need to know.
Why wouldn't cheese be vegetarian?
Put simply: Any cheese containing "rennet" or "animal enzymes" to aid in coagulation—aka to separate milk into solid curds—is not vegetarian.
"Rennet is an enzyme that comes from the stomach of ruminant animals like cows and goats," says Abby Cannon, R.D., who personally follows a plant-based diet. "Because it's obtained after slaughtering the animal, it's not considered vegetarian. Milk or cheeses made without rennet are considered vegetarian because they can be made without harm to the animal."
Cheeses containing animal rennet will almost always say one of the following on the ingredient list: "rennet," "animal enzymes," or simply "enzymes."
RELATED STORY: The 9 Cheeses Lowest In Lactose
How can you tell if a cheese is vegetarian?
Most hard cheeses, including Parmesan, Cheddar, Manchego, Pecorino Romano, and Swiss, are traditionally made with rennet, while some soft cheeses aren't (scroll down for five you can try). But increasingly, you can find all sorts of cheeses made with non-animal-derived enzymes.
Vegetarian rennet does exist
Many big brands are starting to use non-animal rennet substitutes due to increased demand. If a brand does this, it's typically clearly listed on the ingredient list as: "vegetarian enzymes," "vegetable rennet," "microbial enzymes," or "non-animal enzymes." Don't see it there? Check on the company's FAQ page.
"These days, it is pretty easy to find vegetarian cheese," says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D., author of Eating in Color. "Plant- or vegetable-derived rennet can be made from artichokes, nettles, cardoon thistle, or other plants. The enzyme derived from plants works in a similar way to animal-derived rennet, but the results aren't always consistent. There are also microbial rennets, which are vegetarian-friendly."
Plant or vegetable rennet is sometimes obtained by soaking plants above to extract an enzyme that functions similarly to animal rennet, while microbial rennet is extracted from certain rennet-like molds in a lab.
Brands that offer vegetarian, rennet-free cheese
Many brands have at least some vegetarian cheese options. Here are a few to consider:
- Organic Valley
- Applegate
- Horizon
- Amy's
- Laughing Cow
- 365 Whole Foods
- Trader Joe's
- Cabot
- Tillamook
- Cypress Grove
- BelGioioso
- Nancy's
Pro tip: One cheese that can be a bit harder to find in a veggie-friendly option: Parmesan. European Union law actually states that in order to be called Parmigiano-Reggiano, the cheese must contain calf's rennet. But products simply labeled Parmesan are able to be made with vegetarian rennet—BelGioioso makes a Vegetarian Parmesan.
What about when you eat out?
Wondering what you're supposed to do when you eat out? It's usually pretty simple: "Unless a restaurant has taken the time to specify that a cheese has been made with vegetable rennet, you should assume that it has been made with animal-derived rennet," says Largeman-Roth.
Or, another tactic: Opt for a cheese that's not traditionally made with rennet anyway. See the next section for some tasty picks!
What cheeses are commonly vegetarian?
While you should still look at the ingredient list to be safe, some types of cheese are usually a safe bet because of how they are made. "Soft cheeses that do not require coagulation don't use rennet at all," explains Largeman-Roth.
Instead of rennet, the following cheeses are typically made by adding some type of acid (vinegar, lemon juice, or bacterially produced lactic acid) to milk, which helps form loose curds that can either remain as curds or be formed into a soft cheese.
Fresh mozzarella
You don't have to say no to pizza night as long as your pie is made with fresh mozz. Not only is this soft cheese almost always vegetarian, but it has the added bonus of packing 15% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA)1 of calcium in a 1-ounce serving.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese consisting of loose curds. It's also a protein powerhouse: "Cottage cheese is a fantastic source of protein at up to 15 g of protein per half-cup," says Largeman-Roth. "And several brands contain live active probiotic strains." (Look for "cultured cottage cheese" if probiotics are your goal.)
Cream cheese
A fave of the keto crowd, cream cheese is a safe bet for vegetarians. And while it's not the most nutrient-dense cheese on the planet, you can find cultured cream cheese options containing live and active cultures. Try Nancy's Probiotic Cream Cheese.
In addition to being decadently creamy, ricotta has a few surprising health benefits. For one, it happens to be quite rich in whey protein—one of the most easily absorbed and utilized forms of protein, which has been shown to aid in muscle growth and strength. It also contains about 25% of the RDA2 for calcium in a 1-ounce serving.
Paneer is a traditional soft Indian cheese that's made with milk, a bit of lemon juice or vinegar, and salt. It has a mild, creamy flavor that pairs well with spicy flavors. And while it's not widely available in grocery stores in the U.S., it's really easy to make it yourself.
The takeaway
While it may come as an initial shock that not all cheese is vegetarian, rest assured, you still have plenty of options—you may just need to do a little label sleuthing. But keep in mind: Being vegetarian-friendly doesn't necessarily mean a cheese is always the best option. "As with all food, we want to source the highest quality possible from farms engaged in sustainable and organic farming practices," says Cannon.