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These 3 Zodiac Signs Tend To Be The Stingiest When It Comes To Money

Sarah Regan
February 15, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Jamie Grill Atlas / Stocksy
February 15, 2025

The 12 signs of the zodiac each have their own unique approach to things like relationships, jobs, and, of course, money. Some signs are more extravagant with their spending, for instance, while others are more frugal—and even cheap.

Of course, someone's sign is never a guarantee that they'll be the stingiest person you've ever met, but these three signs have a bit of a reputation for being cheapskates.

P.S.: This would apply to anyone who has any of the following signs as their sun sign, rising sign, or even Venus sign, which influences our relationship with money.



The stingiest sign of them all is none other than serious and hardworking Capricorn. And if you've ever tried to split a bill with the sea goat, it's likely no surprise they made the top of this list.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, Capricorn takes themselves—and by extension, their money—very seriously. They're not ones to throw away large sums of cash on a spontaneous vacation or shopping spree, for example, and would much rather tuck their savings away or make smart investments.

Capricorn always prioritizes their long-term stability, and frivolous spending simply doesn't align with that vision for the long term. As such, they save, pinching pennies wherever and whenever they can.



The second cheapest sign is none other than soft and sweet Libra. If you're surprised to see them on this list, given their inclination toward luxury, think again.

Just because they appreciate the finer things in life doesn't mean they want to pay for those things. With their poise, grace, and charm, Libra can get anyone to treat them to whatever their heart desires. Whether it's an exquisite five-star meal or the latest designer bag, Libra will find a way to get a deal.

They'll cough up the cash if they have to, of course, in instances where they're trying to keep the peace. But if they can get away with it, don't put it past your Libra friends to skimp out on the bill.



Last but never least, we have Virgo as the third most frugal sign of the zodiac. As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, Virgo is meticulous, organized, and pays very close attention to detail.

This translates to organization in their bank accounts as well; you can trust a Virgo to have an expertly mapped budget that they stick to religiously, plus a savings plan to boot. Like Capricorn (a fellow earth sign), Virgo feels better about saving for tomorrow than spending today.

And being a sign all about efficiency and maximizing results, Virgo will also go to great lengths not to waste anything, whether that's food, supplies, or money in general.

The takeaway

Again, someone's sign is never a guarantee they'll be cheap—and every zodiac sign has the capacity to be stingy if they have to be. Nevertheless, if you were looking for the signs most likely to pinch their pennies, it would have to be Cap, Libra, and Virgo.

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