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The Best Crystals & Stones For Your Chakras + How To Work With Them

Sarah Regan
April 13, 2023
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Chakras are the primary energy centers of our body, and when they're flowing freely, we tend to feel light and well. When one is blocked, however, we can feel off in many ways, depending on which chakra isn't flowing—and that's where crystals come in.

Different crystals and stones have vibratory qualities that resonate with each of the chakras, making them an excellent tool to work with if you're looking to unblock or balance a particular chakra(s).

Here, we're digging into which crystals are best for each of your chakras, plus how to work with them to find balance.

Root chakra crystals

dark figure with red dot in root chakra area
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The root chakra (Muladhara) is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine. It's related to our general sense of security and safety, relating to things like survival issues (finances, food, etc.), and develops in the first seven years of our life.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, we feel grounded, secure, and safe. When it's blocked, we feel ungrounded, afraid, or threatened.

Sacral chakra crystals

dark figure with orange dot over sacral chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The sacral chakra (Swadhisthana) is the second chakra, located in the lower abdomen, roughly 2 inches below the navel. It's related to our sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality, and develops between the ages of 8 and 14.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, creativity and sexual energy flow easily. When it's blocked, you may feel a lack of control in your life or like your creativity or sexuality are stifled.

Solar plexus chakra crystals

dark figure with orange circle above solar plexus chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is the third chakra, located in the upper abdomen. It's related to themes like self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem, and develops between the ages of 15 and 21.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, you feel confident, empowered, and a general sense of freedom. When it's blocked, you may feel shame, self-doubt, or hopeless.

  • Location: Upper abdomen
  • Colors: Yellow
  • Crystals for the solar plexus chakra: Citrine; Pyrite; Yellow jasper; Tiger's eye; Yellow tourmaline; Amber; Agate; Sunstone; Yellow quartz

Heart chakra crystals

dark figure with green dot over their heart chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The heart chakra (Anahata) is the fourth chakra, located in the center of the chest. It relates to love—both giving and receiving, to ourselves or others—as well as joy and peace. It develops between the ages of 21 and 28.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, you feel loving, compassionate, and joyful. When it's blocked, you may feel disconnected from others or disconnected from love and joy in general.

Throat chakra crystals

dark figure with blue dot over throat chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the fifth chakra, located in the throat. It relates to expression, truth, and communication, and develops between the ages of 29 and 35.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, you are easily able to communicate and express your truth. When it's blocked, you may struggle to communicate what it is you feel or truly want to say.

Third-eye chakra crystals

dark figure with purple dot over third eye chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The third-eye chakra (Ajna) is the sixth chakra, located between the eyes. It relates to our ability to see the big picture and access intuition and develops between the ages of 36 and 42.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, you feel intuitive, imaginative, and wise. When it's blocked, you may experience difficulty accessing intuition, as well as feel unimaginative or have a hard time visualizing the future.

Crown chakra crystals

dark figure with violet dot over crown chakra
Image by Benjavisa / iStock

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is the seventh chakra, located at the very top of the head. It relates to our ability to be fully connected to the divine and develops between the ages of 43 and 49.

When this chakra is balanced and flowing, you feel tapped into a higher state of consciousness and a general connectedness to divinity. When it's blocked, you may feel disconnected from your spirituality, higher power, or the universe in general.

How to work with crystals for chakra balancing:


Meditate with them.

One of the simplest ways to work with crystals for any of the seven chakras is by incorporating them into chakra meditations. Crystal expert and co-founder of Energy Muse Heather Askinosie recommends holding your crystal in your nondominant hand while you sit for meditation, or even placing the crystal on the corresponding body part of the chakra.

If you were working with obsidian for your root chakra, for example, you would simply sit for meditation with obsidian in your nondominant (the energetically receiving) hand or place it near your root chakra. From there, you can visualize the chakra coming back into balance, and/or work with an affirmation such as "I am grounded."

This simple formula can be adjusted depending on which chakra you're working on. As another example, you would hold green jade or place it on your heart and use a mantra such as "I welcome love into my life" for the heart chakra. Or for the crown chakra, you would hold clear quartz or place it on top of your head, and repeat "I am connected to higher consciousness."


Take a chakra bath.

Ritual baths are an excellent way to balance your chakras because you can incorporate certain crystals, but also herbs, essential oils, and any other helpful tools you want to lean on. Always make sure the crystal you want to use is safe to be placed in water; otherwise, you can keep it on the side of the tub as you bathe your chakras back to balance.

Here's our full guide to chakra ritual baths for more details and inspiration!


Keep them around your home or on your person.

Lastly, working with crystals to unblock your chakras doesn't have to be complicated. Simply keeping them on your person (whether as jewelry or in your purse) or nearby on a desk, nightstand, etc., is helpful for reminding you of your intention and having their healing vibrations nearby.

There's no wrong way to wear crystals as jewelry, but for chakra balancing, it's a good idea to wear them near the chakra itself. For example, you could wear a black obsidian ankle bracelet for grounding your root chakra, amethyst earrings for your crown, or a rose quartz necklace that falls just above your heart.


What are the seven chakra crystals?

The seven chakra crystals include: Hematite for the root chakra; Tiger's eye for the sacral chakra; Citrine for the solar plexus chakra; Rose quartz for the heart chakra; Aquamarine for the throat chakra; Amethyst for the third-eye chakra; Clear quartz for the crown chakra

Where should I put my chakra crystals?

If you are working with crystals specifically to unblock or rebalance chakras, you can place them on or nearby the chakra itself (i.e. clear quartz on the top of your head during meditation).

How do you activate crystals?

There are a number of ways to activate, clear, and/or charge your crystals, including sunlight, moonlight, breath, smoke, sound, water, salt, and your own breath.

The takeaway

When your chakras are out of whack, you'll notice a difference. But the good news is, with the right crystals at hand and a few helpful chakra balancing rituals, you can get any stagnant energy moving freely again so you can feel your energetic best.

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