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5 Pieces Of New Tech Pave Way For More High-Tech Wellness At CES 2019

Elizabeth Gerson
January 08, 2019
Elizabeth Gerson
By Elizabeth Gerson
mbg Contributor
Elizabeth Gerson is a former mindbodygreen intern and a student at Stanford University studying Psychology and Communication with a specialization in Health & Development.
Image by W2 Photography / Stocksy
January 08, 2019

Ask anyone about the technology of the future, and you may hear about flying cars and teleportation. How about a future with personalized virtual reality meditation or a device that analyzes your metabolism with a single breath?

Well, at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES), this wellness-conscious future became a reality. Show-goers had plenty of new innovations to explore, with more than 500 vendors specifically devoted to showcasing the latest digital health breakthroughs (up from 472 last year). From recovery technology to personalized nutrition, here are a few of the most innovative health gadgets that will be hitting the shelves in 2019.

What to eat and why based on your breath

From keto to plant-based to the Mediterranean diet, it can be a bit overwhelming to tell what diet is right for your body. Lumen, a breath-measuring device and app, takes the guesswork out of the equation by measuring your metabolism in real time. Based on the breath analysis, the app gives you an optimal carb intake for the day in order to reach your fitness goals. If that wasn’t enough, the app suggests specific meals based on your data.

Megan Doty / mbgcreative

A high-tech boxing ring for your home

If spinning isn’t your speed but your FOMO from the Peloton craze is real, FightCamp may have a solution for you. The first at-home boxing set-up of its kind, FightCamp provides a boxing bag to square up against plus a set of motion-tracking boxing gloves and a customizable floor mat. It’s also equipped with an app showcasing its latest HIIT workout videos led by fitness trainers for you to follow along.

Megan Doty / mbgcreative

Water that's good for you and the planet

How clean is too clean? In the case of traditional filtered water, essential minerals can be swept away in the filtration process. mitte, an at-home water filter system, remedies this loss by offering water that is 60 times cleaner than the tap, all while including personalized minerals for your taste, nutrition, and pH preferences. You’ll do the environment good as well, as each water cartridge takes the place of over 300 plastic bottles. 

Megan Doty / mbgcreative

A VR meditation experience that runs on your happiness

In the case of Healium, a virtual reality and augmented reality meditation experience, your brain waves and heart beat become an interactive environment. Through a wearable connected to the Healium app, EEG feedback and brain wave data construct the VR environments—for example, you mayscale mountains, release butterflies, or relax amongst waterfalls—that help increase positivity and reduce stress. Not convinced? A study1 published in Frontiers of Psychology found that it took just 4 minutes for Healium to reduce anxiety.

Megan Doty / mbgcreative

A lightweight headband to help you get your best sleep ever

It’s no secret that better nights leads to better days, and the Dreem Band has you covered on all sleep-related fronts. To help you fall asleep, the headband can walk you through meditations and breathing techniques. To help you stay asleep, the headband omits sound stimulation that promotes delta brain waves, which are associated with deeper rest. To help you wake up, the headband senses your brain activity to choose the optimal time for your body to rise. Paired with accompanying app, Sleep Coach, the aim is to share, analyze, and improve your sleep data every night.

Megan Doty / mbgcreative
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