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5 Things To Keep In Mind This Capricorn Season, According To Astrologers

Sarah Regan
December 18, 2023
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Capricorn Season
Graphic by mbg creative x Kike Arnaiz / Stocksy
December 18, 2023

The calendar year is winding down, and with it, Capricorn season is nearly here. As we inch closer to the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn comes to remind us of the value of structure, diligence, and moving forward at a slow and steady pace.

Here are the important astrological happenings going down this Capricorn season so you can make the most of this time of year—according to astrologers.


Capricorn season encourages us to get all our New Year's ducks in a row

Capricorn season runs from December 21, 2023, to January 20, 2024, when the sun will move on to Aquarius. As the AstroTwins recently wrote for mindbodygreen, Capricorn season also marks the beginning of winter.

"The winter solstice always coincides with the sun's move into grounding, elegant Capricorn—and since the celestial sea goat is the governor of goal-setting, how perfect is it that we get to make our resolutions under this solar power surge every year?" they explain.

Indeed, thanks to its planetary ruler, Saturn, Capricorn is easily the workhorse of the signs, with Saturn governing discipline and hard work. With the New Year upon us, we can all welcome this inspired energy.


The Cancer full moon arrives the day after Christmas

As Capricorn season gets underway, we'll have a full moon in its opposite sign, Cancer, the day after Christmas, December 26. It's actually the year's second Cancer full moon, according to the twins, who note, it will bring a "much-need moment to chill" after all the holiday happenings.

With the warm fuzzies in high gear, they say, "Use this day to catch up with close friends and trade notes on your holiday celebrations." Just don't be surprised if emotions spill over; Cancer is a sensitive water sign, after all.

But it's also nurturing and supportive—so whether you're the one shedding tears or it's a friend or loved one—the Cancer full moon gives you a permission slip to wear your heart on your sleeve.


Mercury retrograde sees us through the end of the year

You might have already heard the news that Mercury is retrograde through the end of the year, but it happens to be moving into Sagittarius on December 23, FYI.

That gives this retrograde a much different flavor than when it was previously in Capricorn for the past week. Sagittarius is known to be bold and brash, which the twins note could spell trouble for holiday gatherings.

All that to say, you'll want to save any adult humor or off-the-cuff remarks for 2024, "because they'll surely disrupt the holiday cheer—especially if you tread beyond 'family-friendly' terrain," the twins explain.

And while we're on the topic of Mercury retrograde, it's always a good idea to give yourself extra time, double check everything before you send it, and of course, slow down.

Mars provides a major motivation boost

Just a few days after the New Year kicks off, trailblazer Mars moves into equally trailblazing Capricorn on January 4. If your New Year's resolutions need a kick-start, this is it!

Mars is the planet of action, energy, and passion—and Capricorn is a sign all about long-term results and success. Put them together and you've got one surefire recipe for maximum motivation, so tap into it.

To that end, it would be a good idea to check in with your birth chart to see where Capricorn falls in order to understand how this motivation might show up for you. For example, if Capricorn rules your second house of money, maybe your goals are about your finances. If it's in the seventh house of partnership, maybe you're focusing on strengthening your relationships.

The year's first new moon is perfect for doubling down on your resolutions

Last but not least, every astrological season has a coinciding new moon in the same sign. Come January 11, we'll have a new moon in Capricorn to keep those resolutions going strong.

Or perhaps, in the muddle of Mercury retrograde, you didn't nail down any concrete resolutions. That's OK! Now is the chance to do it; it's never too late.

And with this new moon in Capricorn, it's the perfect chance to set intentions and plant seeds around your long-term goals and vision for 2024.

The takeaway

Capricorn doesn't mess around—there's a reason the sea goat can swim to the depths of the seas and climb the highest mountains. It knows what it wants, and it goes after it, no matter how long it takes. Let Capricorn's steadfast spirit inspire you as we close out 2023 and move into 2024, and remember that long-term results require consistent and dedicated action.

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