Canker Sores Are The Worst — Here Are 18 Natural & Fast Treatment Options

Canker sores. Just the name is enough to make you shudder. As unpleasant as these mouth abrasions are, though, they're a common problem: Just about everyone deals with a canker sore at some point or another. But you don't have to wait them out in agony.
Here’s everything you need to know about canker sores, why they happen, and, most importantly, how to get rid of canker sores fast and naturally.
What is a canker sore?
As much as it sounds like something infectious and awful, a canker sore isn't really that serious. Also known as aphthous ulcers1 in medical terms, these nuisances are actually just small lesions that appear in the mouth. You've probably seen them yourself when you pull your cheek open to inspect a painful spot in the mirror. They’re usually white or yellow, surrounded by a red ring in an oval or circle shape. They can form on the inside of your cheeks, on or under your tongue, or at the base of your gums.
Here's the good news: They aren't contagious and recurring like cold sores, which are caused by an infection from the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Canker sores also don't show up on the surface of your lips, meaning that even though they're often uncomfortable, they're not typically unsightly or embarrassing. Thank goodness for small favors, right? (If you do have cold sores, here are 21 natural ways to treat them.)
3 types of canker sores.
While we’re digging deep into the uncomfortable topic of mouth sores, it’s worth noting that there isn’t just one kind of canker sore. The three main types are minor, major and herpetiform sores.
Minor canker sores
These are just what they sound like—minor and mild, as canker sores go. They're typically small and oval-shaped and they usually heal on their own in a week or two. These are by far the most common kind of canker sore and the kind you've probably experienced yourself.
Major canker sores
These are larger and deeper than minor canker sores and usually more round in shape. The most meaningful differences between minor and major canker sores are the level of discomfort and healing time involved. Major canker sores can be very painful and make basic things like eating difficult. They can also take up to six weeks to heal and, even then, might leave significant scarring in their wake.
Herpetiform canker sores
These sound like they're related to a herpes virus infection, but don't let the name fool you because they're not. This form of canker sore is very rare and usually something that affects older patients. These super tiny sores (think the size of a pinpoint) tend to develop in clusters of anywhere from 10 to 100. They have irregular edges and sometimes the clusters will merge into one large sore, but here's the good news: Like minor canker sores, they typically heal up on their own in a week or two and don't leave behind scars.
What causes canker sores?
Since canker sores aren't related to the herpes simplex virus and aren't something you catch from, say, sharing a drink or a kiss, what are they caused by? There are several possible culprits.
"Everything from trauma (biting oneself, getting burned, braces) to nutrient deficiencies to gluten sensitivity can cause canker sores," says Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., an American Board Family Medicine–certified physician and mbg health expert. "People with celiac disease also tend to get them before they realize they have celiac."
Other causes of canker sores include allergies, sensitivities to food and oral hygiene products, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), menstruation, and even good old-fashioned stress, which compromises the immune system. Even if you don't technically have a food intolerance or sensitivity, certain foods (especially1 cinnamon, cheese, citrus, figs, and pineapple) are still more likely to trigger canker sores than others.
18 ways to get rid of canker sores fast.
Even though most canker sores will clear up on their own within a few days to a couple weeks, there are ways to speed up the process. But we're not talking about those harsh drugstore treatments. Here are some gentle, natural ways to prevent canker sores altogether and get rid of canker sores fast—in some cases, you can get rid of canker sores overnight.
1. Salt water mouth rinse
One of the simplest and most effective options? A salt water rinse. Create the solution by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt into ½ cup of warm water. Swish the salt water around in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit. A word of warning, though: This option is easy but not painless (think about how it feels to jump into the ocean with a cut or scrape). The salt water works to speed healing time by drying out the canker sore.
2. Baking soda mouth rinse
If you're cringing at the idea of pouring literal salt on your wound, you can try a baking soda rinse instead. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ½ cup of warm water, swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit. Instead of drying out the sore, the baking soda is thought to restore pH balance and reduce inflammation.
3. Ice cubes
Possibly the simplest canker sore treatment ever: ice. This method is super easy. Break ice cubes into chips, put said chips in your mouth, and let them dissolve over the sore. Ice helps with inflammation, which can speed healing, and will help numb the area, reducing pain.
4. Hydrogen peroxide
There's a reason hydrogen-peroxide-infused mouthwashes are a popular over-the-counter treatment for canker sores: Hydrogen peroxide2 can help prevent or reduce bacterial growth, which can speed up healing time. You can create a solution at home by combining 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water and dabbing the diluted solution onto your canker sore with a cotton swab.
5. Honey
We probably don't have to convince you to try this sweet treatment. But we will anyway: In a 2014 study3, honey was shown to be effective in treating canker sores by reducing pain, size, and redness. Basically, it's a triple threat. Which type of honey is best? While regular honey was used in the study, Manuka honey may be an even better option due to its extra-potent antiviral and antibacterial properties.
6. Zinc lozenges
Your body naturally fights off most canker sores within a few days to a couple weeks, but they can last longer if your immune system isn't working its best. Taking zinc4 in any form helps boost the immune system, but lozenges go straight to the source and help direct zinc's antiviral, immune-boosting magic right where it's needed most. Fortunately, high-quality options exist, like these organic zinc lozenges that also contain immune-boosting elderberry extract.

7. Chamomile
Chamomile isn't just for calming yourself down for a good night's sleep. In studies5, it's been found to reduce the frequency of canker sores and to increase healing speed and reduce severity when they do arise. You can apply chamomile extract to your canker sore or create a little compress by pressing a wet chamomile tea bag to the affected area.
8. Yogurt
Since canker sores are sometimes associated1 with IBS, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease, eating yogurt that contains live probiotic cultures could help by treating the underlying cause. "Probiotics can rebuild mouth flora, too, which also helps with prevention," says Dr. Gandhi.
9. Echinacea
In studies, echinacea has been found to provide relief from canker sores. Taken as a tablet6, it can reduce the number of canker sores already present and lower the recurrence of future canker sores. That makes echinacea a great option for people who don't want to leave a treatment directly on the affected area or deal with the task of creating a rinse.
10. ACV mouth rinse
Apple cider vinegar is known to have anti-inflammatory7 properties and has been shown to help kill bacteria8. Both of these traits may make ACV a viable treatment for canker sores. To create an ACV rinse at home, combine 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit. You'll want to do this daily until pain subsides.
11. Sage
Sage isn't just something you burn to rid your space of bad vibes. It's been used for centuries to treat everything from digestive problems to memory loss and depression. One of sage's well-established uses is to treat mouth sores. You can get sage extract as a liquid, throat spray, tablet, lozenge, or capsule, and even as a mouthwash. As a preventive tactic, the easiest option is to simply sip on sage tea, which you can buy or make yourself.
12. Goldenseal mouth rinse
Goldenseal is an herb with antiviral properties that's said to have been used by Native Americans to treat a variety of mouth ailments, including canker sores. Try it out in the form of a goldenseal mouth rinse. Here's Dr. Gandhi's recipe: Combine the contents of ½ a goldenseal capsule, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 cup of water. Mix and gargle for about 30 seconds, then spit. Repeat this twice a day until symptoms improve.
13. Coconut oil
Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil is another possible treatment for canker sores, although it hasn't been studied for this specific purpose. Bonus: Coconut oil tastes a lot better than some of these home remedies, meaning you might feel more motivated to apply it several times a day to treat the sore.
14. Watermelon frost
In traditional Chinese medicine9, watermelon frost (often sold in a spray bottle) is thought to be a cure for canker sores. There isn't specific scientific evidence that it works, but it may have anti-inflammatory properties and many people swear by it for getting rid of canker sores fast. Beware, though: Some Chinese herbs have been known to contain high levels of mercury, so it's important to do your research and buy from reputable sources if you decide to try this method.
15. Milk of magnesia
Although this one's on the slightly less natural side, milk of magnesia may still be a worthy at-home treatment for canker sores because many people already have it on hand. Simply dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on your canker sore three to four times a day to help speed the healing process and reduce pain.
16. Alum powder paste
Alum powder, commonly used in cooking and baking, can be used to create a paste to treat canker sores. To create the paste, mix a small amount of alum powder with a drop or two of water. Then, put the paste on the sore for at least a minute before rinsing. The alum powder10 works by reducing the size of the sore and drying it out, which helps you heal faster.
17. Vitamin B12
While scientists are still trying to solve the "why" on this one, they do know that people with a diet low in vitamin B12 are more prone to canker sores. In a 2017 study, people who took 1,000 micrograms of B12 daily had fewer canker sores, and the ones they did have were less painful than those in the placebo group.
18. Other nutritional supplements
In addition to vitamin B12, other nutrient deficiencies1 have been shown to contribute to a propensity for developing canker sores. So it's important to take supplements (or, better yet, up your dietary intake) of folate (folic acid), vitamin B6, zinc, and iron if you think your levels might be low, advises Dr. Gandhi.
10 Sources