Cancer Compatibility 101: How They Fare With All 12 Zodiac Signs

Cancer is known for being the sensitive and nurturing crab of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which other signs do they get along with? Here's how Cancer fares in love with each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Cancer & Aries
When it comes to an Aries and Cancer matchup, it's important to understand that these two signs are of different elements, giving them very different temperaments.
As astrologer Desiree Roby Antila explains, Aries vibes to the feverish fire element, while Cancer is a water sign. "Cancer intuitively knows that Aries needs some of their water to cool their heels, and Aries feels as if Cancer could use some of their fire to warm their melancholy moods," Roby Antila explains, adding, "If they can find a careful balance between their elements, they can make some lovely steam."
Additionally, she notes, one thing Aries and Cancer do have in common is that they're both cardinal signs, "which means they both like to lead—yet they do this in very different ways." That said, they'll need to watch out for butting heads, making sure to leave room for compromise.
Cancer & Taurus
It's not a stretch to say the Taurus and Cancer matchup has soulmate potential. These two signs compliment each other in the most wholesome and gratifying ways, from their healing combination of water and earth, to their shared prioritization of comfort and security.
Both signs enjoy cozying up at home and enjoying the simple luxuries of their own space. Not to mention, they both value stability in their relationships and lives in general, which is another reason this pairing is so gratifying.
Cancer needs to feel emotionally safe in order to trust and open up, and Taurus provides exactly the straightforward and grounded approach Cancer needs. Meanwhile, Taurus will be enamored by Cancer's domestic nature and their ability to tend and care for them.
Cancer & Gemini
According to astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D., neighbors Gemini and Cancer are right next to each other on the zodiac wheel, appearing as almost different "steps" or "versions" of each other. But off the bat, they're very different.
Geminis aren't known for being particularly emotional, for example, while emotions are a telltale priority for Cancer. "Gemini wouldn't be described as emotional—maybe detached or looking at things from up above or from various angles—and moving fast and looking forward," Pennington explains. Cancer, on the other hand, likes to call on their collection of memories, diving into protected and specific emotional places in their mind, which can be difficult to translate to Gemini.
"Cancer may analyze emotions for the sake of analyzing emotions, whereas maybe Gemini would be like, 'Well, where does this fit into my mental scheme that I'm putting together?'" Pennington explains, adding, "It's just about balance and being able to receive what the other one brings."
Cancer & Cancer
When a Cancer links up with another Cancer, it's a toss-up whether they'll last forever or split. As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Together, you can celebrate your kindred spirits.
If you haven't learned to love yourself, however, the twins say this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. They also note that while "twinning" might be comfortable, autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. "Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.
At their best, the hallmarks of a Cancer-Cancer relationship include deep emotional safety, as well as seeing your best and worst qualities mirrored back to. This dynamic can also foster ease and self-acceptance, according to the twins.
Cancer & Leo
When you match a fire sign with a water sign, you can either get purifying steam—or dried-up water and extinguish the fire. A Cancer-Leo matchup is no exception, even though these two are right next to each other on the zodiac wheel. As the twins explain, "The signs on either side of yours can stir up an instant love/hate vibe, like next-door neighbors with a completely different style of decorating, gardening, and living."
Of course, at their best, Leo provides the support and emotional safety a Cancer needs to come out of their shell, while Cancer's sensitivity and sentimentality will soften Leo's courageous heart.
"All that friction can lead to explosive sexual chemistry, and even an obsessive quest to figure each other out," the twins explain. Just remember, Cancer is a sensitive softie while Leo is bold and dramatic. Both parties may need to learn to adjust their communication style to avoid rubbing each other the wrong way.
Cancer & Virgo
Since they're two signs apart, with only Leo between them, Cancer and Virgo form a sextile, or 60-degree angle, which is thought to be a harmonious and sweet aspect in astrology.
The water and earth signs tend to get along to begin with, as they're yin (or "feminine") signs. And when you consider that both Cancer and Virgo value stability, security, and routine, it makes sense that they pair well in a relationship—romantic or platonic.
Plus, Cancer is the cardinal sign of the pair, and Virgo is the mutable. Cancer brings the ideas and inspiration, meanwhile Virgo brings the analytical prowess and finishing touches. Together, they make for a dynamic tag team.
As the twins explain, it's "easy and breezy" to date a person who lives two zodiac signs away. "Your signs are always of a compatible element, making this a great match. You'll often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent," they say, adding, "Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect."
Cancer & Libra
With Cancer ruled by the moon and Libra ruled by the planet of love and beauty, these two can share a deep emotional attunement. According to Roby Antila, Cancer will intuitively make Libra feel wanted, and Libra will find the waxing and waning of Cancer's moods enticing.
"These two planets both tap into feminine energy, which makes this pair's exchanges filled with gentleness, sentiment, intuitiveness, and romance. Libra knows that there is more to Cancer than what they show on the surface, and they use their intellect to tap into Cancer's magic," Roby Antila explains.
And Cancer, meanwhile, is attracted to Libra's balanced nature and physical beauty, she adds. "When they blend physically, their hearts will feel full because their gentle passion and quaking eagerness for each other are fastened with amity and pleasure. Even when times get tough, they have a way of rediscovering one another time and time again."
Cancer & Scorpio
Scorpio and Cancer form a trine and share a common element of water, which can make this a very sentimental and meaningful relationship. As the twins note, "The trine sign mate has the same element as yours, creating an unspoken kinship and harmony in this good match."
However, too much of anything is still too much—so with a double-water pair, this couple needs to watch out for all-emotion-no-logic, or even having emotional outbursts.
Cancer is, after all, one of the moodier signs of the zodiac, but luckily, Scorpio has no problem facing the darker sides of things. In this way, Cancer can soften Scorpio's tough exterior, while Scorpio can encourage Cancer and boost them up.
As long as these two avoid codependence and drowning in the depths of their own emotions, they can make a very nurturing pair for each other.
Cancer & Sagittarius
The truth is, Cancer and Sag could not be more different. They're of different elements (water versus fire), modalities (cardinal versus mutable), and polarities (yin versus yang), so where do they find common ground?
As the twins explain, couples that are five signs apart can form a fascinating, complex combination that defies explanation—the original odd couple. "You'll either feel like you're with your soul mate or the devil incarnate. 'How did those two end up together?' people will wonder. Your bond is intense, unspoken, almost secretive in a way," the twins explain.
Sag and Cancer also approach relationships very differently—and have different reasons for wanting a relationship in the first place. Like all the water signs, relationships for Cancer are all about emotional safety, security, and family. For Sag, they're about freedom within the relationship, spontaneity, and adventuring together. Kind of opposing needs, right?
That's why the twins say for this pair to work, they'll both need to have done "the requisite self-awareness work."
Cancer & Capricorn
Capricorn and Cancer sit opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, making them astrological soul mates. As the twins explain, you each have a distinct role in an opposition pairing, but you're a tag team, too. "With an opposite sign, you're challenged to grow as a person and take responsibility for your part of the relationship," they say.
Capricorn, for instance, is a hardworking and structure-oriented sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is sensitive and nurturing. These two helping balance a need for structure and security with comfort and compassion. Capricorn, offers a lovely grounding balance to the stability Cancer craves.
Of course, it's not always easy to face someone who shows you where you need to balance and grow. But when done right, Capricorn and Cancer help each other develop the art of compromise and grow together.
Cancer & Aquarius
Another duo that's five signs apart, Cancer and Aquarius don't have a whole much in common. According to the twins, "You'll need to adapt to your differences, which could take a great deal of adjustment, even discarding a former lifestyle."
Take Cancer, for instance, who prioritizes emotional intimacy and security. Aquarius is on the other side of the coin, prioritizing freedom and humanity. They have different needs, but if both people are mature and self-aware, the twins say they can have a great time by pooling their strengths.
This relationship can also have karmic purposes (i.e. having a child), the twins add, or even exploring and expanding your sexuality, and diving into deeper intimacy.
As Roby Antila notes, "These two give and receive love in very different ways, which is something they can absorb from one another with time and adjustment."
Cancer & Pisces
While you might think that two water signs would make a great pair, there's more than meets the eye with a Pisces-Cancer matchup. According to astrology expert Imani Quinn, they'll be able to understand each other, thanks to their shared element, but there's always the possibility of drowning when the water gets too deep. "They can actually struggle to get themselves out to do things because they're overthinking and both sides are very sensitive," she explains.
However, Cancer is a very loyal and protective sign, which Pisces will definitely appreciate. Plus, Cancer will feel safe and nurtured by Pisces, encouraging them out of their shell. Overall, Quinn says, this pair needs to watch out for their waters becoming stagnant or oversaturated with emotions.
You've never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level. you'll need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting. Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don't do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive.
The takeaway
When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture. However, when it comes to the Cancer archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.