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An Energizing Breathing Exercise To Wake You Up — No Matter How Late You Went To Bed

Caley Alyssa
June 13, 2016
Caley Alyssa
mbg Class Instructor & Yoga Teacher
By Caley Alyssa
mbg Class Instructor & Yoga Teacher
Caley Alyssa is a internationally renowned Los Angeles–based yoga teacher. She is a Certified Holistic Health Coach by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and has completed multiple yoga trainings, including Yoga Works 200-hour Teacher Training, Dharma Mittra 500-hour Teacher Training, and Yoga Tree 200-hour Teacher Training, among others.
June 13, 2016

Caley Alyssa is a 900+ hour certified, international yoga teacher whose practice helped her transform her life and realize her dreams. Today, she’s sharing some tips on how you can use breathing exercises to supplement your yoga practice and enhance your feelings of wellbeing. For more useful yoga tips that will help you dive deeper into your practice, check out her new Advanced Online Yoga Training—an immersive training that you can use to deepen your practice anytime, anywhere. Check it out today, and begin to transform your life with a little help from Caley.

Yoga is about more than just poses on a mat. The fourth limb of yoga is called pranayama, and it’s all about the regulation of breath. What’s amazing about it is that once you learn to control your breath, you gain control of your mind, too.

Here, I will demonstrate one of the most common breathing techniques used in pranayama, called kapalabhati, or “skull-shining breath.” This is a great pose to practice first thing in the morning because it helps shake off sluggishness and really energize you for the day. Give it a try and see for yourself!

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