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7 Tips To Bounce Back After Eating A Bit Too Much

Jenny Sansouci
Author: Medical reviewer:
November 19, 2019
Jenny Sansouci
Written by
Marvin Singh, M.D.
Medical review by
Marvin Singh, M.D.
Integrative Gastroenterologist
Marvin Singh, M.D. is an integrative gastroenterologist in San Diego, California. He is trained and board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology/hepatology.
November 19, 2019

No matter how healthy we are in our "normal" lives, most of us tend to loosen the reigns a little bit (or a lot) during the holidays. If you have a tendency to get into that all-or-nothing mentality, you might just wake up on January 1st wondering where all your healthy habits went.

Personally, I relate to this: I have a super addictive personality, so when I get into something, I have a tendency to go all in. With a little experimentation, though, I've found that it doesn't have to be so extreme. If you put a little intention into your self care, you can continue to show up for life in a vibrant, energetic state—even during the season of endless indulgences!

Here are some tried-and-true ways to bounce back quickly after over-indulging:

1. Start the day with hot water and lemon.

This works wonders for your digestive system, especially if you ate some not-so-decent food the night before. It will help to boost your immune system, balance your pH levels and stimulate the elimination of toxins from your body.

2. Hydrate all day long.

When you're feeling low energy from having too much sugar, alcohol or otherwise energy-draining substances, it's all too easy to reach for coffee to make it through the day. I get it. I love coffee. But caffeine can make you even more dehydrated and tired, so fuel up with pure H2O and keep a water bottle by your side all day long. You’ll rejuvenate every cell of your body and help flush out your system.

3. Give your digestive system a break.

One thing I always do when I’ve over-indulged is give myself a day of soups and smoothies. This gentle cleanse can give your body a break from chewing and digesting solid foods and give your whole system a rest. The key is to make the soups and smoothies yourself so you can pack them with detoxifying veggies! Add dark leafy greens to your smoothies, and use garlic and onions in your soups.

4. Move your body.

Exercise is one of the best ways to feel better quickly. Go for a run, a bike ride, a long walk or practice yoga (twists and inversions are especially great for detoxing). This will help release toxins from your system, give you an endorphin boost, and leave you feeling refreshed and renewed quickly.

5. Sweat it out in a sauna.

A sauna or steam room (ideally followed by a cold plunge or cold shower) can help you to further flush out toxins, improve your circulation and help you relax and de-stress. It can also brighten up your complexion, and even help get rid of puffy eyes if you’re fatigued!

6. Focus on what you can include.

Instead of feeling like you need to jump on a cleanse every time you indulge, focus instead on what you can add in to your diet. Getting extra water and dark leafy greens (packed with health-supporting nutrients) into your day, no matter what else you've indulged in, can make a world of difference in helping you find balance.

7. Forgive yourself. It’s all good. Really.

We’re human and we live a little sometimes. Enjoy yourself, have fun, balance it out with some extra self care, and let it go. Most of our post-indulgence suffering comes from wishing we hadn’t done it. So breathe, release yourself from any guilt, and get yourself outside for some fresh air and exercise!

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