Can You Really Have A Black Aura? We Asked The Experts To Find Out

From purple to yellow to blue, there are countless color combinations that can make up your personal energy field, or aura.
Auras are always shifting and evolving, but the colors that pop up more often than others are thought to represent an aspect of your personality. (You can find out about your own aura by getting a reading, having an aura portrait taken, or taking a quick aura color quiz.)
Traditionally, bright and vibrant aura colors are associated with ease—so, what does that say about you if your aura is black? If you're worried your aura is approaching the dark side, here's what to know and what to do, according to two energy readers.
What does it mean to have a black aura?
First things first—a black aura is not the same as a dark, murky, or dingy aura. "I certainly believe there are dark energies, but I think there's a misconception that we can have a black aura," Susanna Merrick, founder of Aura Wear tells mbg. "You can have a very low vibrational aura when you're feeling low or not like yourself, and you can't emit as much energy."
She adds that she believes energies can come over us and make us feel low, and that is likely what people are thinking about when they talk about a black aura—though it isn't exactly accurate. The host of the Know Your Aura podcast, Mystic Michaela, agrees, saying, "I'll see colors get very dark when something not great is going on in their life, but I wouldn't call it black. Darkness in colors is different from black."
Michaela adds that she's only seen a true black aura once. "Black is kind of like a void—like their soul is not present," she describes.
"It could also be a darkness or entity or darkness surrounding someone," Merrick adds.
What does a black aura say about someone's personality?
Luckily, because auras are always changing, having a dark aura once in a while doesn't mean you're doomed or a horrible person.
As Merrick explains, "Just like you can change your mind, you can change your aura. A big misconception people have about auras is it's like your astrology sign—I believe we're more like chameleons in the sense that energy is always moving."
With that being said, she notes that she doesn't believe a black aura reflects someone's personality like other aura colors do. "This is an energy we all kind of experience sometimes in different moments of our lives," she says.
Generally speaking, though, Michaela notes that mental instability, or even a personality disorder, can accompany a black aura.
How to introduce other colors back into your aura
If you've been feeling a bit dark and want to bring some color back into your life, there are plenty of ways to do so—from lifestyle changes to working with different colors themselves.
For example, "If you're working with red medicinally," Merrick notes, you could start to associate the feelings you have with that energy, like passion and fieriness and feeling grounded.
There are nine main aura colors that you can incorporate into your life: Yellow auras symbolize brightness and cheer. White auras are incredibly spiritual and wise. Those with purple auras tend to be highly intuitive and emotional. Blue auras are all about expression and communication, and green auras represent heart-centered action.
Here are some ideas for how to color in your life, energetically speaking:
Surround yourself with a chosen color.
Once you've chosen a color or colors to work with, you can incorporate them into your wardrobe. Or, as Michaela suggests, you could even paint a room a new color. Anything that allows you to visually connect with colors that make you happy.
Take care of your physical body.
On top of that, lifestyle changes such as yoga and eating a better diet, Merrick suggests, are important considerations. Our auras are an extension of our physical bodies, so it's worthwhile to keep our vessels healthy.
Get a little spiritual.
Healthy vessels also require a healthy mind and spirit, so think chakra-balancing practices, meditation, and perhaps a little breathwork.
Ask yourself what you need to thrive.
"We all go through times when we get murky or cloudy or dark," Michaela adds. "That's normal because our auras get saturated with negativity, or other people's issues, or our own programming. So, when you're feeling overwhelmed, it's very important that you start doing things that bring tiny bits of joy back into your life, like an art class, cooking class, nature walk, reading a book series...anything that makes you centered in yourself and makes you feel joyful. That's how you bring color back into your life."
That being said, if periods of depression linger, you should consider seeing a mental health specialist to talk things out.
The takeaway
Now that we've established the difference between black versus dark auras, maybe you're not as concerned for your own aura anymore—after all, truly black auras are relatively uncommon. Nevertheless, it certainly doesn't hurt to seek out more joy and add a little more color to your life, anytime you want to brighten up your aura.