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This Is The Best Temperature For Sleep + Other Tips For Better Rest

Abby Moore
Author: Medical reviewer:
August 11, 2023
Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
By Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
Abby Moore is an editorial operations manager at mindbodygreen. She earned a B.A. in Journalism from The University of Texas at Austin and has previously written for Tribeza magazine.
Seema Bonney, MD
Medical review by
Seema Bonney, MD
Emergency medicine physician
Dr. Seema Bonney is board certified in emergency medicine as well as anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and has been actively practicing medicine for over 21 years.
Woman Sleeping
Image by Asia Images / iStock
August 11, 2023

While some things that hinder sleep are out of our hands (looking at you, nightmares), there are a few controllable factors that may be affecting your snooze, such as the temperature of your room.

We consulted sleep experts to find out the optimal temperature for sleep, along with other ways to promote a restful night. 

What is the best temperature for sleep?

Lowering the temperature of your room a few hours before bed may initiate your body's cool-down process, which can help prepare you for sleep. "The optimal temperature for sleep is considered 65 degrees Fahrenheit," holistic psychiatrist and sleep expert Ellen Vora, M.D., explains. However, anything in the high 60s could work. 

Since your core body temperature decreases during sleep, keeping a cooler bedroom can help speed the process along. Furthermore, keeping your bedroom humidity within 40% to 60% can help enhance sleep, according to research1.


The best temperature for sleep is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, though anything in the high 60s will be relaxing.

Why does temperature affect sleep?

Sleep and temperature are intrinsically connected through the human body clock, or circadian rhythm. One study explains, "the core body temperature1...decreases during the nocturnal sleep phase and increases during the wake phase." 

This may be caused by evolutionary factors, Vora says. "In the outdoor conditions in which we evolved, the temperature drops at night. That drop is part of many contextual factors that cause us to feel sleepy."

How to keep your room cool

Struggling to reach the ideal bedroom temperature? Here are a few ways to cool things down:

Ways to get better sleep:

Of course, lowering the room temperature isn't the only way to optimize your sleep. Here are three key ways to help improve your sleep hygiene:


Add supplements to your nightly routine.

"Everyone in our stressed-out society could benefit from consuming more magnesium, which is well known for its calming effect that makes for easier and more restful sleep," says board-certified family medicine doctor Robert Rountree, M.D.*

Some supplements feature additional ingredients for sleep-supporting effects. "mindbodygreen's sleep support+ also provides two of my favorite ingredients for improving sleep quality—jujube (Chinese date) and PharmaGABA® (a well-researched plant extract)," says Rountree.*


Take time to exercise during the day.

Sleep psychologist Lynelle Schneeberg, PsyD says exercise is very good for sleep—even if it's just 30 minutes per day. "It results in physical fatigue, which can deepen sleep, and it helps manage stress," she explains. 


Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.

Caffeine is a stimulant and therefore interferes with quality sleep. One study recommends quitting caffeine at least six hours before bedtime for optimal sleep.

"On the other hand, alcohol, while not a stimulant, will disrupt the quality of your sleep, making you feel more tired the next day," says neurologist Nicole Avena, Ph.D.

Instead, Heather Moday, M.D., board certified physician and functional medicine practitioner, suggests drinking calming herbal teas, like chamomile and lemon balm to promote relaxation before bed. Be sure to stop sipping at least an hour before you get in bed so you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

The takeaway

Regulating your thermal environment to around 65 degrees is one simple but effective trick to getting better sleep. If that's not doable, though, there are plenty of practices to support a good night's rest—from taking a sleep supplement to reducing screen time at night.

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