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7 Places You Can Meditate On-The-Go + How To Tune Out Distractions

Light Watkins
May 21, 2021
Light Watkins
mbg Class Instructor & Meditation Teacher
By Light Watkins
mbg Class Instructor & Meditation Teacher
Light Watkins is a Santa Monica–based Vedic Meditation teacher, mindbodygreen class instructor, TEDx speaker, and author of Bliss More, How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying. He grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and graduated from Howard University with a bachelor's in communications.
May 21, 2021

While it’s ideal to wake up early, enjoy a cup of tea, read from a spiritual book, and sit in front of your meditation alter to dive into bliss for 15 or 20 minutes, some days will inevitably feel more frantic and rushed and you'll have to head out the door before squeezing your mindful practice in.

But all hope is not lost—you can still get your meditation in by taking your practice on the road. Here are some of my favorite go-to public places to meditate, and how to tune out any noise and distractions in each one:


Your car

Car meditations are one of my personal favorites because they feel safe and, depending on where you park, they can be quiet and very comfortable.

I recommend getting in the front passenger seat of your car, taking your shoes off, letting the seat back a little, and maybe even keeping a shawl or blanket in the car for additional comfort.

This option is great for salespeople who are often on the road, parents who wait in line to pick up the kids from school, people with a busy or noisy household, and meditators who work in an open office without walls.


Public transportation

Do you commute to work? Catching an early flight? If so, you have a built-in time slot for your morning meditation.

Instead of scrolling through your phone, sit comfortably in your bus, train, or plane seat with earphones in your ears and sunglasses on, and you’ll be able to do a guided meditation incognito for a good 10 or 15 minutes without drawing any unnecessary attention to yourself. Just make sure not to miss your stop.


Churches or temples

If you don’t have a car because you live or work in a busy urban environment like New York or Chicago, see if you can locate a church or a temple near your office or school that is open to the public.

Churches are usually quiet, and free, and you’ll blend right in with the people who are sitting in the pews praying.


Yoga studios

Passing by a yoga studio on your way to a sales meeting? Until more drop-in meditation studios open up, most yoga studios welcome the public to use one of their open rooms for meditation.

At the very least, you might be able to sit on a bench or chair in the lobby or hallway and meditate.



If the weather is pleasant, a nice place to meditate is in a safe park where you can find a bench or a patch of grass to sit for your meditation.

I always recommend back support, for maximum comfort, but trees work well too. You also want to make sure you pick a place not in direct sunlight, as it can be distracting to have the sun shining behind your eyelids.



Nowadays, bookstores usually have chairs set up for people to sit and read. There’s no rule saying you can’t sit and meditate, right? Bookstores are also usually quiet and distraction-free. True story: I once had a profoundly deep meditation while sitting in a Barnes & Noble in New York.


Office lobbies

Malls, hotels, and spas usually have comfortable benches and sofas which could be repurposed for your meditation. Or if you have a dental or doctor’s appointment, you could plan to show up 20 minutes early and meditate in the lobby or waiting room there, as well.

If you’re nervous about being disturbed, sit in a corner where your chances of being in someone’s way will be less.

The bottom line:

By seeking out public places to meditate, you’ll begin to develop a keen awareness of potential public meditation spots. And when you enter a new space, the first thing you’ll think about is, “Hmmm, where would I meditate in here if I had to?” Enjoy your on-the-go practice!

Light Watkins
Light Watkins

Light Watkins is a Santa Monica–based Vedic Meditation teacher, mindbodygreen class instructor, TEDx speaker, and author of Bliss More, How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying. He grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and graduated from Howard University with a bachelor's in communications. Watkins recognized his passion for teaching meditation after meeting his Guru in 2002. Following years of daily meditation, Vedic studies, and apprenticeship, he traveled to India to be trained in the ancient ways of teaching meditation. His students have used meditation to treat symptoms of PTSD, hypertension, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, and cancer.

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Light Watkins
Light Watkins

Light Watkins is a Santa Monica–based Vedic Meditation teacher, mindbodygreen class instructor, TEDx speaker, and author of Bliss More, How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying. He grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and graduated from Howard University with a bachelor's in communications. Watkins recognized his passion for teaching meditation after meeting his Guru in 2002. Following years of daily meditation, Vedic studies, and apprenticeship, he traveled to India to be trained in the ancient ways of teaching meditation. His students have used meditation to treat symptoms of PTSD, hypertension, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, and cancer.

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