The 8 Metabolism-Boosting Foods That Nutrition Experts Rely On

While we never advocate for weight loss for the sake of weight loss, sometimes it can be good to boost your metabolism to achieve your happy weight. With that in mind, we reached out to the country's top doctors and R.D.s and asked them for the top foods they actually consume regularly to keep their own metabolisms firing strong.
Sauerkraut juice
Taking a swig of sauerkraut juice. This helps keep my gut healthy, which ensures that I'm eliminating everything by body needs to get rid of. When your digestive system slows down and gets stagnant, you start to recirculate toxins and, for women, estrogens, which can contribute to weight gain. I've also always found that when I'm regular, I'm more likely to make healthy food choices.
—Ellen Vora, M.D., mbg Collective member and founder of
Spicy foods
One of my favorite hacks for boosting metabolism is to up your intake of spicy foods like chili peppers. They contain a compound known as capsaicin that has been shown1 to boost metabolism and actually increase fat-burning. They can also reduce appetite2 and help you feel fuller!
—Will Cole, D.C., mbg Collective member and author of Ketotarian
Iodine-rich foods, such as seafood and seaweed. These foods contain iodine, which is the master nutrient of our thyroid gland, which plays a central role in our metabolism.
—Jessica Sepel, nutritionist, mbg class instructor, and founder of JS Health
Pineapple salsa
My favorite metabolism-boosting food is a spicy pineapple salsa. It has bromelain from the pineapple, which is an enzyme that helps the body digest food more efficiently3, and capsaicin from the jalapeño, which is a compound found in chili peppers known for revving up the metabolism4. This dish is a one-two punch that will certainly wake up the body!
—Allison (Aaron) Gross, M.S., RDN, CDN, founder of The Nutrition Curator
Lentil soup
While I don't believe any single food is responsible for revving up one's metabolism, I do love a good lentil soup to help speed things up every so often. Lentils are PACKED with fiber (and many other vitamins and minerals), but the fiber content specifically can help you stay regular and provide that occasionally needed boost.
—Leah Silberman, R.D., co-founder of Tovita Nutrition
You need a healthy gut microbiome to have a healthy gut lining and healthy metabolism. By boosting those probiotic bacteria in your gut, you can improve your health in many ways, including the ability of every cell in your body to burn energy efficiently.
—Vincent Pedre, M.D., mbg Collective member and author of Happy Gut
I teach my clients to use a combination of intermittent fasting, a protein-rich diet, good sleep, and to build good lean body mass. Protein before bed helps, as does eating a good source of branch-chain amino acids either from whole milk organic dairy or a supplement.
—Kimberly Evans, M.S., R.D., founder of Whole Health Nutrition
Cruciferous vegetables
I love to load up on cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The fiber keeps me full and prevents sugar cravings.
—Taz Bhatia, M.D., mbg Collective member and author of Super Woman Rx