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This Body-Cooling Routine Is All We Want To Do On Hot Summer Nights

September 03, 2019
Senior Branded Content Editor
By Krista Soriano
Senior Branded Content Editor
Krista Soriano is the Senior Branded Content Editor at mindbodygreen.
Image by Hannah Schwob / mbg Creative
September 03, 2019

Cooling down at the end of the day doesn't just feel good. A cooler body makes it easier to fall asleep, especially on warm summer nights. We're all about incorporating a combo of relaxation and hydration into the latter part of the day—here's how to do it intentionally while the temps are high.

"Practicing restorative yoga is a great way to cool down your body," Claire Grieve, yoga specialist and stretch therapist, told mbg. "These poses will activate your parasympathetic nervous system, decreasing your heart rate and cooling the body. Focusing on breathing deeply while practicing these poses will enhance the effects."

Try these three yoga poses tonight (together with this easy-to-make hydrating dinner, recipe below!), holding each pose for at least three minutes to start to experience the cooling effect.

Legs Up the Wall

Lie down on the floor and shuffle your seat close to the wall. Slide your legs up the wall, resting your shoulders and head on the floor. Lay your arms comfortably by your side, palms faceup. Close your eyes and rest deeply.

Child's Pose

Sit on the floor with your knees wide and your toes touching. Lower your belly between your thighs and rest your forehead on the floor. Extend your arms, facing your palms down, and lengthen from your hips through your fingertips. Breathe deeply.

Goddess on Blocks

Sit with your legs in butterfly pose. Place one block underneath your scapula and one supporting your head. (Don't have blocks? Use pillows!) Lie back and breathe into this luscious restorative pose.

Watermelon and Cucumber Gazpacho With Lime & Mint

We used our Vitamix® Ascent® Series A3500 blender to whip up an easy and super-hydrating meal—a chilled seasonal gazpacho with watermelon and cucumber. Our recipe makes four servings, so you can have a bowl for dinner, and store the rest in the fridge portioned out for a refreshing and savory grab-and-go lunch during a hot week. (This recipe lasts in the fridge for up to a week.)

Serves 4


  • 8 cups watermelon, peel removed and roughly cubed
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped
  • ½ red onion, skin removed and very roughly chopped
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro
  • ¼ cup mint leaves (about 20 leaves)
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • Splash of red wine vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon salt, to taste


Add all ingredients to a blender and purée. Adjust seasoning to taste. Refrigerate for at least two hours or overnight. Will keep in the fridge for up to a week.

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