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The Immune-Boosting Pink Latte Everyone's Obsessing Over (And A Recipe To Make It At Home)

Liz Moody
January 31, 2017
Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
By Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
Liz Moody is the host of the top-rated The Liz Moody Podcast, author of bestselling books "100 Ways to Change Your Life," "Healthier Together: Recipes for Two—Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Relationships," and "Glow Pops," and a popular online content creator who has helped millions of people transform their lives. A regular speaker, panelist, and podcast guest, Liz shares her own deeply personal anxiety journey that led her to where she is now as well as actionable, fun, and science-based ways for everyone to live their best lives.
Photo by Stocksy
January 31, 2017

We're obsessed with the multicolored lattes that have been popping up on our radar (and Insta-feeds!) lately, from glowing golden turmeric to earthy green matcha to our new favorite, the beet latte. The dreamy pink concoction has taken Brooklyn by storm, and the epicenter is Bluestone Lane, the health-based Aussie cafe that brings the best of Down Under right here to NYC. Says founder Alex Knight, "The beet latte has been a dreamy pink success for Bluestone Lane, with the high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of the root vegetable beetroot. It's a caffeine-free nourishing alternative to the traditional flat white."

If you're keen to try this liver-boosting (did someone say hangover cure?) concoction yourself, we had our favorite chef, Carolina Santos-Neves, take to the kitchen to figure out an mbg signature version.

Spiced Almond Beet Latte

Serves 2


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, plus ½ cup extra for foaming
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or liquid sweetener of choice)
  • 1 medium beet, peeled
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Wrap beet in foil and roast for about 30 minutes, or until a fork easily pierces it (you can do this ahead of time).
  2. In a blender add all ingredients, except the extra ½ cup almond milk, and blend until smooth.
  3. In a small pot, heat up blended beet ingredients until boiling. Then pass through a fine-mesh strainer or sieve. Set aside.
  4. Add remaining almond milk into a glass or cup and foam with preferred method of foaming. You can use a handheld foamer, a cappuccino machine, or even just give it a whiz in a high-powered blender.
  5. Pour blended beet ingredients into two glasses or mugs, top with foamed milk, and sprinkle extra ground ginger or cinnamon! Drink away!
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