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Wellness Trends 2023: The Top 4 Beauty Trends To Watch Next Year

mbg editorial
November 29, 2022
mbg editorial
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mbg editorial
The mindbodygreen editorial team worked together on the creation of this article, combining their deep expertise honed by years of reporting on health and well-being. It has been thoroughly researched, written, fact-checked, and reviewed by our editors.
November 29, 2022
wellness trends 2023 beauty hero banner
Image by mbg Creative

As every year draws to a close, mindbodygreen editors come together to reflect on where well-being has gone—and predict where it's going next. Our annual wellness trend report is the culmination of months' worth of investigating new research, interviewing experts in their fields, and closely monitoring the cultural conversation. Now, all eyes are on 2023, and these are the biggest trends we're predicting in the beauty space.

1. Community-based beauty & well-being will take off.

Well-being is not achieved in isolation. In 2023, we're calling that community-based beauty and health spaces will emerge across the country to meet the growing demand for connection. 

Read more about connected beauty.

2. Liquid plastics will be the new microplastics.

The beauty industry has already made some major strides toward sustainability. The next step? Doing something about liquid plastics—a pesky polymer problem that you're about to hear a lot more about.

Read more about liquid plastics.

3. We'll explore the infinite opportunities of the skin microbiome.

The skin microbiome has become the most innovative space in health, gaining the attention of top research institutions and leading biotech companies. Skin microbiome research is still in its infancy—but you're going to want to pay attention to it in the year ahead.

Read more about the skin microbiome.

4. Biotech will transform the beauty industry as we know it.

Biotech is laying the groundwork for a more sustainable beauty future. In the year ahead, we'll expand our view on what is "natural"—and stop fearing all lab-derived ingredients.

Read more about biotech beauty.

wellness trends 2023 biotech beauty
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Read the rest of the trends we're predicting across health, home, and fitness in 2023. And unlock our full trend list here.

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