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The Average American Spends More Than 90% Of Their Life Indoors—Let’s Change That

October 10, 2018
Senior Branded Content Editor
By Krista Soriano
Senior Branded Content Editor
Krista Soriano is the Senior Branded Content Editor at mindbodygreen.
October 10, 2018

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when we started spending so much time indoors, but it’s not hard to understand why. Our 9-to-5 (and often longer) jobs, obligations to spend time with family, even our self-care routines are all culprits that keep us inside.

But it’s gotten to the point that the average American spends more than 90% of their life indoors. That’s pretty staggering, and we know there’s no simple answer to reverse it. We do know that study after study has shown that being outside has a positive effect on our mental health1, happiness, and even our relationships2 and how we connect with others.

Let’s start small: Getting outside doesn’t have to mean taking a week off work to travel or sleeping in a tent in the mountains (although we’re so up for that). You’re probably already making it happen—shopping at the farmer’s market, playing catch with your kids, checking out a new neighborhood, and running with your dog. We’re hoping this gives you inspiration to make it happen even more.

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