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The Zodiac Sign That Could Strike Out In Love In 2024, According To Astrologers

Sarah Regan
January 10, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Portrait of beautiful girl with her boyfriend in the background with mobile phone in hand
Image by Michela Ravasio / Stocksy
January 10, 2024

Depending on your zodiac sign, we all have different things to expect in 2024, including in the love and relationship department.

And according to the AstroTwins' yearly sign-by-sign forecast (which you can check out here), there are a few signs that can expect 2024 to be a lucky year in love—but one that might want to focus their efforts elsewhere. Here's what to know.

Why 2024 spells trouble for Aries in love

We don't want to scare anyone; we're not saying that Aries has no hope for finding love in 2024 or that existing partnerships will end. What we are saying, however, is that the daring Ram has bigger fish to fry this year.

Many of the planetary aspects impacting your sign are more focused on your personal evolution than love. As such, the twins explain, Aries can expect their love lives to be a "major growth area" this year—and let's be honest, "growth" doesn't exactly translate to sparks flying and romance.

Specifically, they say, you'll be taking a good hard look at yourself and how you approach relationships. That's because for the entire year, the moon's karmic South Node is taking its time moving through Libra—your opposite sign, which also happens to rule your seventh house of long-term partnership and commitment.

For a strong-willed and fiery Aries, all that Libra energy can feel entirely contradictory to what you're all about. "This won't be an easy-breezy expansion, [and] this cycle only comes around every 18 to 20 years, holding up the mirror on the way you 'do relationships,'" the twins add.

The good news is, if you are planning on making any romantic moves this year, these are the lucky dates to watch out for:

  • February 22
  • July 12
  • September 5

What to do about it

Have no fear, Aries! Again, we're not saying you have no chance of finding love or deepening your existing partnership. Just know that it won't be the biggest focus for you this year, and trying to resist that could result in some roadblocks.

Instead, according to the twins, you'll be way more tuned in to your own identity and personal growth. With the North Node in your sign all year, they explain, it's set to shake up how you represent yourself in the public eye.

"The North Node only comes to your sign every 18.5 years, so it's a huge deal. These 18-monthlong cycles push you to pursue your personal destiny or figure out what the next step along that path may be," the twins note, adding that this is "absolutely a year to stretch beyond what feels safe and familiar."

And while you're stepping into your personal power this year, don't forget to take care of yourself too. With structured Saturn and dreamy Neptune coasting through your 12th house of healing for the entire year, your mental and emotional health deserve attention too.

The takeaway

Here's the thing, Aries: You can still have a fulfilling relationship while focusing on yourself, and this year, that's your prerogative. It might simply not make sense to forge a new romantic connection this year, what with all the personal growth you're going through. But if you do, just make sure you remember this is a year for you to redefine yourself and claim your seat at the winner's table.

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