Are Your Chakras Blocked? Take This 2-Minute Quiz To Find Out

If you're struggling with a low mood, poor energy, or anxious thought, you might be dealing with a blocked chakra. For those unfamiliar, chakras are the body's main energy centers.
When energy smoothly flows between your body's seven main chakras, harmony exists between your body, spirit, and mind. But once that energy is blocked, it can cause mental and emotional strife.
Instead of falling into a cycle of blocked energy, this quiz helps determine whether your chakras are blocked (and what to do about it).
To take the quiz, simply rate each statement on the following scale and add up your responses for your final rating:
- 1 = Never
- 2 = Hardly ever
- 3 = Sometimes
- 4 = Most of the time
- 5 = Always
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- I'm very cautious with my money and always have savings in case of emergency.
- I am never late with credit card payments.
- I hate roller coasters or any other adrenaline-surging activities.
- I am always doing risk assessments, just in case.
- I am a worrier.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked root chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive root chakra.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
- I have trouble figuring out what to do with myself in moments when I don't have to work.
- I enjoy sex...sometimes? Maybe not.
- I want to write, or paint, or do something creative, but I'm just not very good at it.
- I don't feel very good in my body.
- I have trouble expressing myself in intimate situations.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked sacral chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive sacral chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
- I have trouble going after what I want.
- I sometimes struggle with self-confidence.
- I am not very assertive.
- I tend to let other people make decisions for me.
- I find it's easiest just to go with the flow.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked solar plexus chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive solar plexus chakra.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
- I sometimes let the people I love take advantage of me.
- I have trouble being compassionate with myself.
- I don't always make time for self-care.
- My feelings get hurt easily.
- It's hard for me to tell people that I love them.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked heart chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive heart chakra.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
- It's difficult for me to speak up in social situations.
- I can be shy about saying what I really think, especially if it's unpopular.
- I am much better at listening than I am at talking.
- The idea of public speaking terrifies me.
- I hate arguing, and I'm terrible at it.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked throat chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive throat chakra.
Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
- I don't always understand what my intuition is telling me...or if it's saying anything at all.
- I don't examine my own motivations too closely.
- I fantasize a lot, imagining that the world is different than it is.
- I have trouble visualizing what someone is describing to me.
- I can't distinguish my true inner voice from my inner critic.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked third-eye chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive third eye chakra.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- I feel depressed and lonely, disconnected from the world around me.
- I have trouble believing that there is a force for good in the universe.
- I wish the world was a magical place...but I don't think it is.
- I wish I were a part of something greater than myself.
- I have a hard time remembering my dreams.
If you got 16 or more, you may have a blocked crown chakra.
If you got 14 or fewer, you may have an overactive crown chakra.
Adapted from an excerpt from Chakras: A Little Introduction to the Seven Energy Centers by Nikki Van De Car, with permission from the publisher.