5 Things To Keep In Mind This Aquarius Season, According To Astrologers

Aquarius season has officially begun as of January 20, 2024, and will last until February 18 (when Pisces season begins). For the next four weeks, innovation, creativity, and idealism reign supreme—and sometimes with a side of stubbornness.
Here are the things you'll want to keep in mind as we all tap into our inner Aquarian, according to astrologers.
Aquarius season invites us to think collectively
Aquarius is known as the humanitarian of the zodiac, always thinking about their vision for humanity's future—and how they can contribute to it.
And according to the AstroTwins, teamwork makes the dream work this Aquarius season. As they recently wrote for mindbodygreen, "The sun in communal Aquarius helps you find a team that aligns with your vision and amplifies your strengths," adding that this is also a tech-savvy sign, so don't be afraid to lean into the power technology has to offer!
"Focus on community and inclusivity, and make it your responsibility to bring out the best in others," the twins note.
Pluto is set to shift the zeitgeist
The same day the sun moves into Aquarius, Pluto is making moves into Aquarius as well. Pluto moves through the signs significantly slower than planets closer to the sun like Mercury and Venus, for instance, making this a generational, zeitgeist-altering period of time.
As the twins explain, Pluto has been taking its time stepping into Aquarius, making a pitstop there from May 23 to June 11, 2023, and then returning to cautious and traditional Capricorn. Pluto will go between Capricorn and Aquarius again this year, but in November it will settle in Aquarius for a 20 whole years.
"Since the icy dwarf planet makes lengthy stays in each zodiac sign, these periods indelibly shape history. Artificial intelligence, chatbots, and communal living? Time to see things like these as the 'new normal,'" the twins add.
There will be no playing small under the Leo full moon
You don't have to be a Leo to know what Leo is all about: charisma, passion, and let's be real, a flair for the dramatic. Under the Leo full moon on January 25, we can all harness our inner lion and shine like the sun (which is, naturally, Leo's ruling planet).
This full moon marks the culmination of a six-month lunar cycle that began with the Leo new moon this past August, so think back to what you were doing around that time, what seeds you were planting, and what goals you were setting. Check in with where you're at on those goals now.
If you've made progress, allow yourself to celebrate and be seen! And if you didn't get as far as you'd like, this full moon could shed light on what's been holding you back.
Individuality is prized under Aquarius skies
As the twins note, idealistic Aquarius loves originality, making this "a great time to put all your future-focused ideas out there and evaluate them." And if it weren't enough that the sun and Pluto will be in Aquarius, by the tail end of the season, we'll have five plants in Aquarius.
Here are the dates to watch out for altogether:
- Mercury in Aquarius—February 4: Intellect and communication will tend toward idealism, open-mindedness, and big-picture thinking
- New moon in Aquarius—February 9: This new moon offers a prime opportunity to tap into your community and plant seeds that extend beyond yourself
- Mars in Aquarius—February 12: Motivation is high to step outside the box and shake things up
- Venus in Aquarius—February 16: Romance takes a backseat as high-mindedness and the need for freedom influence the planet of love
An opportunity for transformation arrives February 13
Toward the end of Aquarius season, there's one day that sticks out as a powerful opportunity for transformation. On Tuesday, February 13, pioneering and pushy Mars will be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. And Pluto, of course, represents renewal and rebirth, as well as power and destruction.
Remember, with every ending comes a new beginning, and if you're looking for a new beginning in your life, that means something may have to end.
But with these two planets joining forces in independent and revolutionary Aquarius, the motivation to push your own limits will outweigh any fears that might hold you back.
The takeaway
Aquarius may sometimes be thought of as the aloof air sign of the zodiac—but underneath that cool exterior, there's a humanitarian heart that wants the best for the world.
Let Aquarius' level head and novel approach inspire you as we navigate the next month, remembering that all you need is a vision and one small step forward.