Aquarius Compatibility 101: How They Fare With All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aquarius is known for being the quirky and humanitarian Water Bearer of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which other signs do they get along with? Here's how Aquarius fares in love with each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Aquarius & Aries
Aries and Aquarius are two signs that can be a little rough around the edges, but what they lack in sensitivity and warmth, they make up for with their love of new, innovative things. This can definitely make for an exciting honeymoon phase full of exchanging ideas and trying new things, but these two may reach a point where stimuli runs out and there's no emotional backbone to hold them up.
Aquarius is, after all, known for being a bit aloof and hesitant to commit, while Aries wants to dive right in. And even then, these two yang signs may find their relationship is missing the nurturing, yin qualities of a harmonious relationship.
Nevertheless, their sextile aspect on the zodiac wheel gives them a natural sense of friendship and communication. At their best, this matchup is like having a "best friends with benefits."
Aquarius & Taurus
According to astrologer Imani Quinn, when it comes to an Aquarius and Taurus pair, they may be motivated by different things, but they'll find they operate similarly, thanks to their fixed modality. They both have a tendency toward intellectual drive, for instance, which will make them great conversationalists.
That said, Taurus is primarily driven by self-pleasure and desire, while Aquarius prioritizes personal growth and the collective. Taurus may feel bored by Aquarius, Quinn says, while Aquarius could find Taurus too rigid or material-minded.
"In love, Taurus' ability to be dependable will be enticing to the Aquarius when they are looking for stability, but once the Aquarius is ready to spark change, they may get pushback from the stubborn Taurus," Quinn explains. Meanwhile, she adds, Taurus may feel inspired by Aquarius at first, but at the end of the day, their love of luxury might be too extravagant for the Aquarius.
Aquarius & Gemini
Aquarius and Gemini can make a great match, thanks to their shared element. With air at the helm, these two process information and emotions similarly, but they're not so alike that they can't learn anything from each other.
As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, signs with the same element (aka the signs that form "trines") create an "unspoken kinship and harmony" which allows both partners to feel comfortable, understood, and like they don't always have to explain themselves.
Gemini will be attracted to Aquarius because, if nothing else, Gemini is an incredibly curious sign—and few people are more interesting and unique than Aquariuses—so you can consider Gemini's interest piqued. And of course, Aquarius will be attracted to Gemini's social proclivity, their quick wit, and their big brain!
As a couple, these two can help motivate each other, with Aquarius' strong work ethic and Gemini's keen sense for perfecting the details and exploring exciting possibilities.
Aquarius & Cancer
As a duo that's five signs apart, Cancer and Aquarius don't have a whole lot in common. According to the twins, "You'll need to adapt to your differences, which could take a great deal of adjustment, even discarding a former lifestyle."
Take Cancer, for instance, who prioritizes emotional intimacy and security. Aquarius is on the other side of the coin, prioritizing freedom and humanity. They have different needs, but if both people are mature and self-aware, the twins say they can have a great time by pooling their strengths.
This relationship can also have karmic purposes (i.e., having a child), the twins add, or even exploring and expanding your sexuality, and diving into deeper intimacy.
As astrologer Desiree Roby Antila notes, "These two give and receive love in very different ways, which is something they can absorb from one another with time and adjustment."
Aquarius & Leo
Opposites in the zodiac can create a stirring and dynamic relationship, often thought to be each other's astrological soul mate. In the case of Leo and Aquarius, these two seemingly different signs embody two sides of the same coin, creating the potential for a powerful combination of forces.
According to Quinn, for instance, when Aquarius and Leo come together, they combine fiery passion with progressive air for strong forward motion.
"These signs can be highly compatible, even a soul twin match," the twins say, adding that they each have a distinct role, but they're a tag team too. "With an opposite sign," they say, "you're challenged to grow as a person and take responsibility for your part of the relationship.
When these two come together, be prepared for leaps and bounds of deep growth and relationship harmony.
Aquarius & Virgo
Put Aquarius and Virgo together as friends or colleagues, and they'll find their attributes are complementary when it comes to solving problems and sharing goals. Aquarius will come with the big grandiose ideas, for instance, and Virgo will create a detailed pathway to make it happen, Quinn previously wrote for mindbodygreen.
As lovers, however, they might run into some roadblocks. Both signs tend to be more mentally minded, as in out of touch with their own emotions. "Virgos are looking for long-term love practicality, while Aquariuses are independent—dare we say commitment-phobes," Quinn notes, adding, "However, Virgos are a mutable and adaptable earth sign, so with enough determination, a Virgo might just be able to get the water bearer to commit—on their terms, of course."
Virgo is also known to be more critical, which freedom-seeking Aquarius might not appreciate. "They're fiercely independent and don't like to be told what to do," Quinn says. Virgos, meanwhile, don't have patience for someone who can't buckle down.
Aquarius & Libra
Just like Aquarius and Gemini—or even Aquarius with another Aquarius—these folks do well when paired up with Libra, the second air sign of the astrological year. Their shared element makes them both intellectual, analytical, and open-minded.
As Quinn puts it, "The most immediate thing about their compatibility is that they process similarly—they're going to intellectualize things, whether that be their relationships or their own internal processing system."
However, when you factor in Aquarius' quintessential aloof and cool attitude, too much emotional detachment might not be a good thing. "Everything is going to be heady for both of them, so it can even be challenging to be connected to their emotions," Quinn explains, adding that Libra will typically play peacemaker and try to figure out what's wrong.
Overall, though, these two will strongly connect on a mental level, which is important for them. And if they're aligned on humanitarian values and peaceful causes, which are important to them both, even better.
Aquarius & Scorpio
Scorpio and Aquarius are a duo that form a square aspect on the zodiac wheel, which is known to be one of the more difficult aspects in astrology.
There's potential with this matchup to be full of introspection and healing—but only if they can get the ball rolling first. Scorpio takes their sweet time getting to know somebody. Meanwhile, Aquarius is probably the most aloof sign in the zodiac. Put them together and it can be unclear who's going to make the first move. As Quinn adds, "I wouldn't put Aquarius with any water sign romantically because Aquarius is just so detached emotionally, and they're very independent when it comes to their lives."
But as the twins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, the opportunity of the square aspect is to "teach you how to compromise with an equally strong-willed partner." When you strike that delicate balance, they add, "you can make an undeniable 'power couple'—a true force to be reckoned with."
Aquarius & Sagittarius
Like Aquarius and Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius form a sextile aspect, which is considered a more positive or favorable aspect. After all, when you bring fire and air together, flames tend to grow—or get blown out.
As the twins explain, Aquarius and Sag will often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent, etc. "Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect," they note.
They're also fairly free-spirited and forward-thinking signs, so they'll always keep each other on their toes with great conversation and ideas.
Of course, friendship doesn't always translate to passionate romance, so the twins advise structuring date nights to help get you out of "buddy mode."
Ultimately, though, this relationship is one of great communication, as well as feeling seen and heard. They may even get together after years of natural friendship.
Aquarius & Capricorn
Just because Capricorn and Aquarius are next to each other on the zodiac wheel does not mean they're compatible. In fact, according to the twins, the "next-door neighbors" of the zodiac don't have much in common.
This translates to having different motivations, priorities, and personalities, and this dynamic can instantly stir up a love/hate vibe. As the twins note, all that friction might just lead to explosive sexual chemistry—or even an obsessive quest to figure each other out.
The thing is, though, Capricorn and Aquarius can never truly figure each other out, but that's not why they get together. This relationship results in deep healing and transformation, often through painful growth. They learn from each other's differences, the twins say, and force each other out of their fear-based comfort zones.
One upside? According to Quinn, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn (Capricorn's ruler) in ancient astrology. As such, both signs value hard work and can make real progress together when they're on the same page.
Aquarius & Aquarius
When an Aquarius gets together with another Aquarius, it's anyone's guess how long they'll last. As the twins explain, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Together, you can celebrate your kindred spirits.
If you haven't learned to love yourself, however, the twins say this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. They also note that while "twinning" might be comfortable, autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. "Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.
If this relationship does naturally form, they've likely attracted each other to learn what it's like for someone to be with them and to see their own best (and worst) qualities mirrored right back to them.
Aquarius & Pisces
As aforementioned, next-door neighbors on the zodiac wheel aren't typically thought of as compatible. But according to Quinn, this unsuspecting pair can actually work really well.
With Aquarius and Pisces, you have two people who know how to dream big—plus, Aquarius is the water bearer, so it understands how to hold space for emotions. "They'll be able to show up for a Pisces and cater to their emotional needs, and because Pisces is so empathic, they'll have compassion for Aquarius' lack of emotional expression," Quinn explains, adding that if these two share a humanitarian focus, they can see it through.
It's also worth noting here that Aquarius isn't quick to settle down. As astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D., previously explained to mindbodygreen, Pisces is the type to suggest getting married in Las Vegas on a whim, for example. Aquarius, on the other hand, can be a bit of a commitment-phobe and will take longer to really open up to a new love interest.
The takeaway
When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture. However, in terms of the Aquarius archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.