The First Full Moon Of The Astrological Year Is Here — & It's A Supermoon

Spring is well underway, and the first full moon of the season (and the astrological new year) arrives this Saturday. Here's what to know about this full supermoon, plus how to maximize its energy, from an astrologer.
What to know about this full moon.
Be sure to look to the skies this weekend, with the full moon peaking at 2:57 p.m. EDT on Saturday, April 16. (You'll be able to see it—and feel its energy—in the nights before and after.) Also known as the "Pink Moon," April's full moon marks the first full moon of the astrological new year, making it an excellent time to let things go ahead of the rest of the year.
This moon is also a supermoon, meaning it's a bit closer to Earth than usual, making it appear bigger and brighter. As modern mystic and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn tells mbg supermoons are known to be more energetically potent, and this moon happens to fall in the sign of Libra. The moon will also be squared with Pluto.
"Pluto is looking at rebirth, and Libra is all about truth and balance, so what is trying to be transformed within your life?" Quinn explains, adding that this moon asks us to reveal truth.
Quinn suggests getting clear on any illusions you may be buying into that need to be brought to light so you can clear them out. "It's hard to clear out belief systems or things we've been telling ourselves if we're unaware of them that aren't in alignment or aren't true to us. And so this moon, especially being squared Pluto, would mean that things that aren't working for us are going to come to light so we can transform through them and become more aligned with our path and where we're going," she says.
How to work with this energy.
Where new moons are about setting intentions and starting fresh, full moons are about releasing what isn't working for us. And since this is the first full moon of spring, and the moon is squared with Pluto, it's the perfect time to let go of any lingering winter energy you're still feeling and make room for rebirth.
With rebirth and transformation in mind, Quinn recommends becoming aware of where you might be wearing rose-colored glasses in relationships, friendships, your workplace—whatever it may be. Set aside some time this weekend to get clear on where you're kidding yourself and what your heart is really asking for.
"You could do any kind of journal writing, clearing out what comes up during this time that relates to seeing people or things accurately," Quinn says. Or, she notes, maybe you consult your favorite tarot deck, asking the cards for insight on what you could be missing. "You can ask what needs to be let go during this time as a question with a tarot pull, and that can give some insight into something that maybe you're not paying attention to or looking at," she adds.
The takeaway.
With the full moon in Libra squared with Pluto, the name of the game is rebirth—and what better time to be reborn than these early days of spring? Whether you opt for journaling, a tarot pull, or another go-to full moon ritual, this supermoon is sure to be a transformative one.