April 2023 Monthly Horoscope From The AstroTwins
This April is about taking bold risks, then pausing to integrate. Last month served up two massive cosmic changes. On March 7, Saturn moved into Pisces for the first time since 1996 and Pluto took its first dip into the Aquarian seas since 1798. And this April 20, eclipse season begins, as a double-header Aries new moon arrives as a solar eclipse.
What to expect for April 2023
For the first three weeks of April, the Sun is in Aries, the first zodiac sign, prompting us to take initiative around our personal passions. And El Sol's got a sidekick in that department. Expansive and ebullient Jupiter is spending its last full month in Aries, thrusting us all out of our comfort zones…ready or not.
Even better? On April 11, the Sun and Jupiter make their once-a-year meetup, believed by some astrologers to be the luckiest day of the year. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction has been called The Day of Miracles—and we hope you have plenty!—but that doesn't mean you can't be proactive about boosting the odds that you'll manifest your desires. Fortune favors the bold today, especially since this event takes place in can-do Aries. Make the first move and watch the results come back double.
Of course, when you focus on yourself and what you want, you naturally begin to see where relationships are out of alignment. The April 6 Libra full moon, which will oppose Chiron, offers a chance for healing and recalibration. Where could you use more support? And where are certain relationships off-balance, leaving little room left for yourself?
While some people will be celebrating Earth Day or debating cannabis strains on April 20, the planets will be having their own kind of festival. The day starts with an Aries solar eclipse, then the Sun shifts into Taurus for a month, bringing us back down to earth. The next four weeks offer a chance to slow down and reconnect with what matters: your values, priorities, and the physical plane.
If Aries season got you too high on your own supply, you might experience a minor crash when Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, turns retrograde in Taurus from April 21 to May 14. Nearly the entire Taurus season will be taken up by this signal-scrambling cycle, so use it as an opportunity to process all the new energy that's come in. There's a lot of it! With go-getter Mars in domestic Cancer (its most challenged "fall" position) until May 20, scattering your energy in too many directions isn't worth it. Better to use this time for emotional processing and to get anchored back in yourself.