Apple Cider Vinegar For Sunburn? Not So Fast, Say Dermatologists

In the natural beauty space, there are several ingredients that seem to fall under the "miracle cure for anything and everything" category. And while many of these hailed ingredients are true multitaskers, that doesn't mean they're good for literally everything. Case in point? Apple cider vinegar for sunburns. It may be an internet-friendly beauty "hack," but it can cause significantly more damage to already injured skin.
Apple cider vinegar for sunburns: What's the deal?
Internet rumors will have you believe that the anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help your skin calm down after a burn while helping you speed up the exfoliation process of the damaged skin layer. Those who pedal this idea say apple cider vinegar's high levels of pectin may help soothe inflammation and puffiness caused by sunburns. There's also the idea that the vinegar's high malic acid content1 can speed up cell turnover, helping slough off the top level of dead skin cells.
But every expert we conferred with said: Not so fast—in fact, not ever.
Why you should never use apple cider vinegar for sunburns.
Even given apple cider vinegar's purported anti-inflammatory properties, in this case they are outweighed by the vinegar's acidic and exfoliating properties. After sun damage, your skin is very delicate and you need to go into repair and recovery mode; exfoliants, by their very nature, are irritating because they are removing skin cells. Normal, healthy skin can tolerate mild to moderate exfoliation quite easily—as it's just the top layer of dead skin cells. But skin that's already damaged and inflamed cannot.
And when used improperly, apple cider vinegar can cause chemical burns on the skin. "There are published reports of apple cider vinegar causing chemical burns—because of this, I would not recommend it for sunburns. It has the potential to make healing and scarring worse," says board-certified dermatologist Rachel Nazarian, M.D., of Schweiger Dermatology Group.
Morgan Rabach, M.D., board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of LM Medical NYC agrees: Avoid acids on damaged skin. "No, I would not recommend using an acid on damaged, sunburned skin!" she says.
What can you do for sunburns?
Don't worry; there are plenty of natural remedies for sunburns. But as we noted above, you need to focus on repair and recovery. One ingredient that fits the bill that you've likely heard of already: "Alternate natural ways to help include aloe vera, which is great for sunburns because it cools the skin's surface," says board-certified dermatologist Zenovia Gabriel, M.D., who agrees we should not be using apple cider vinegar on our sunburned skin.
Aloe vera—because of its naturally moisturizing, and subsequently healing, properties—has been shown in research to help heal2 first- and second-degree burns on the skin. Some research has found that aloin3, a compound found in the aloe plant, has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the skin-healing process. Aloe is also chock-full of antioxidants, and one antioxidant protein, in particular, called metallothionein, has been found to have a protective effect on skin4 that's been exposed to and damaged by UV rays. The plant is also incredibly hydrating, which could help combat the skin peeling that usually takes effect post-sunburn.
In general, any calming anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents (that don't have any exfoliating properties) can help far better than apple cider vinegar. Try this suggestion: "Adding green tea bags to a cool bath can help a sunburn because of its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help calm and soothe inflamed skin," says Gabriel.
The take-away.
Not every "cure-all" ingredient is actually that. And if there's one place you need to be smart about skin care, it's sun damage. Sun damage will cause premature aging and oxidative stress and may lead to melanoma. Of course, the first line of defense is a physical sunscreen, but if you find your skin already damaged from UV rays, avoid apple cider vinegar and try aloe vera or cooling antioxidants instead.