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Why You Should Celebrate When This Number Sequence

Francesca Bond
March 25, 2024
Francesca Bond
Freelance writer
By Francesca Bond
Freelance writer
Francesca Bond is a freelance writer at mindbodygreen.
March 25, 2024
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There are certain number sequences, referred to as "angel numbers," that are thought to have special meanings and carry spiritual significance. Angel number 808, for example, is believed to signify abundance and validation. Learn what else it means (and what to do when you spot it).

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers, usually in sets of three or four. According to professional medium Megan Firester (known as Mystic Michaela), angel numbers are a method of communication from the "high vibrational team" working around us.

"You have come here with a purpose and your angels are often sending you signals and nudges to let go of distractions and paths which aren’t serving you in favor of what you are more aligned to be doing," Firester says. "Angel numbers are a useful and universal way in which your angels will get your attention and point you in a new, more authentic and aligned, direction. Angels love to speak in synchronicity; when coincidence becomes so frequent it defies any logical explanation. Numbers are a way in which your angels can create synchronistic moments in daily life."

What does 8 mean in numerology?

Angel number 8 is a sign that your angels are proud of you, and applauding your efforts, according to Firester.

"You are being told to look around in gratitude and pride for all you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come," Firester says. "They are asking you to list fears and release them, making room for more good grace to enter your reality."

What does 0 represent in numerology?

Angel number 0 is the "universe number," so it signifies the infinite power of the universe and unlimited potential for your own life.

"Seeing it reminds you of your potential, your ability to tap into source energy to get what you need and that you are an important part of a much larger energy force," Firester says.

What does angel number 808 mean? 

Angel number 808 can be interpreted in two ways, according to Firester.

First, seeing 808 could be a reminder to celebrate.

"It's a little bit like them saying, 'You did it, you did it well, look at what works and keep going with that!' Seeing this number is also an acknowledgement that while there have been significant challenges, the ways in which you evolved, implemented change and created new processes to deal with it are the rewards from it. They want you to look at those changes you made, and really feel proud of yourself… because they are," Firester says.

You could also interpret 808 as a sign that abundance is coming your way, she says.

What should you do when you see angel number 808?

Take a chance to pat yourself on the back for how far you've come—and you far you can go.

It's also a sign that you should treat yourself (within reason).

"Maybe reward yourself with some kind self-talk, allow yourself to really feel proud and sit in wonderment of all you’ve done. If you can celebrate a little, do it," Firester says. "Take a relaxing bath, treat yourself to something special or just do what you like to do for a bit. It's important to feel their pride and absorb it into your being. The way to create more of the good, is to appreciate what you already have of it in your life presently. So taking time and sitting in a happy head space is the goal when you see this number."

What does 808 mean for love?

If you're single, take it as a sign to treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Look at it as validation that you're doing a good job, have learned some hard lessons, and can build your next relationship on a solid foundation.

If you're in a relationship, then view it as a sign that you should trust your intuition and continue down whatever path looks right for you, including perhaps moving forward in your relationship, according to Firester.

What does 808 mean for your career and finances?

In regards to money, 808 could be a sign that good things are coming for you, Firester says.

808 can also be a reminder that you need to remember your worth.

"Seeing it could be a nudge from your angels to talk yourself up to the people at the top, set your sights on the promotion or even work in a way which is more conducive to your mental well being," Firester says. "It's about understanding that you’ve learned a lot and you are an asset to who you work for. It's essential that you are happy, too, and you’re allowed to work in a way which keeps you in that state."

The takeaway

If you're seeing angel number 808 all the time, take it as a sign that good things are coming your way and that you're on the right path.

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