Wondering If You're Bisexual? Here's A Quiz To Help You Figure It Out

For some people, their sexuality is as clear as day, while for others, it might be a source of confusion. If you've found yourself here to take this quiz, you probably fall in the latter camp.
Understanding your sexual preferences is important for having a healthy sex life and fulfilling relationships, which are two important factors to our overall well-being.
So, once you take the quiz, we'll walk you through some other common signs you might be bisexual, plus what to do with your results. Let's get started.
Am I bisexual quiz
11 signs you're bisexual
Bisexuality is defined as being romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to more than one gender. Sometimes, it overlaps with pansexuality, which is attraction to people regardless of gender. (Here's our guide to the distinction between pansexuality and bisexuality, if that's of interest.)
As sex therapist Jesse Kahn, LCSW-R, CST, explains, "In the past, we commonly thought of bisexuality as being attracted to both sexes, but this more contemporary definition offers and honors gender identity over biological sex and is more inclusive in that way."
In terms of signs of bisexuality, here's what to watch for:
- You have conflicting feelings toward another gender.
- You've found yourself thinking characters in movies and shows are attractive, regardless of their gender.
- You relate to new bi characters or celebrities.
- You fantasize about people of different genders.
- You could see yourself having a long-term relationship with someone regardless of gender.
- The "bi" label resonates with you.
- You take the stigma against the LGBTQIA+ community personally.
- Your feelings confuse you.
- You've had confusing friendships in the past.
- You've felt drawn in by people of more than one gender.
- One's gender doesn't stop you from wanting a relationship with them.
What to do with your results
If you just discovered you're bisexual (or even biromantic), you might be wondering—now what? The most important thing for people who are learning more about themselves in this area, according to licensed therapist Jor-El Caraballo, LMHC, is to give yourself "a lot of grace and compassion.
As he previously told mindbodygreen, "There are a lot of external messages and voices that contribute to our internal programming and belief systems. This can make feeling secure in your identity difficult."
Work on feeling secure and confident in your sexuality, and lean on people you trust for support—especially those in the queer community. To that end, getting the support of a licensed professional who specializes in sexual health or LGBTQIA+ issues could be tremendously helpful.
And if you still aren't sure exactly where you stand, that's OK too. You don't have to label yourself or rush to come out to everyone you know if you don't want to. Take your time learning more about yourself and your sexuality, and know at the end of the day, what matters is that you understand and honor yourself, whatever that looks like.
What are signs of bisexuality?
Some signs of bisexuality include being attracted to both genders, fantasizing about both genders, having romantic feelings for people of both genders, and feeling confused about your sexuality.
How can you tell if a girl is bisexual?
Some signs a girl is bisexual include open body language and/or flirting with both genders, a certain energy or vibe, dressing more "masculine," and of course, identifying as bisexual.
What is alternating bisexual?
"Alternating bisexual" refers to a dating pattern in which you might date a man and then a woman after and then go back to a man, etc.
What is the full meaning of bisexual?
Bisexuality is defined as being romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to more than one gender. Sometimes, it overlaps with pansexuality, which is attraction to people regardless of gender.
The takeaway
Regardless of your sexuality, remember that labels aren't necessary if you don't resonate with any one in particular. But if you do feel like you resonate with the "bi" label, that's great—congratulations on your self-discovery!
In any case, sexuality is a nuanced and ever-evolving part of being human, with or without a label. What counts is listening to your heart, understanding yourself, and honoring your truth.