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177 Positive Affirmations For Women + How To Use Them Effectively

Sarah Regan
March 28, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
March 28, 2024
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Positive affirmations are a powerful tool for tapping into your subconscious and rewiring your thoughts. Whether you want to feel more confident or more peaceful, you can choose any affirmation(s) you want, making them a great positive thinking tool for anyone.

Here's how affirmations really work, plus a master list of over 170 affirmations for women to help you get started.

What are affirmations?

Positive affirmations are phrases that are meant to uplift and inspire you to be your best. While the idea that saying a few sentences can magically make you feel amazing may sound too good to be true, that's not exactly how affirmations work.

As psychiatrist Anna Yusim, M.D., explains, affirmations involve repeating a self-selected phrase (or series of phrases) "that embody who we would like to become" (i.e., I am peaceful).

Positive thinking creates self-improvement, Yusim previously told mindbodygreen, and repeating your affirmations throughout the day can transform your thought patterns and mental attitudes on a subconscious level.

"Together, with honest self-reflection and concrete action steps," Yusim explains, "positive affirmations can be a wonderful part of one's behavioral change regimen."

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work by creating fresh and uplifting thought patterns that slowly but surely change our attitude over time.

Namely, research has shown positive affirmations help people cope with difficult emotions1. It is worth noting, however, that affirmations need to be paired with action in order to experience the most benefit.

"[Affirmations] work primarily at the conscious level, whereas many of our conflicts about ourselves and our sense of adequacy are within our subconscious or unconscious mind," Yusim explains, adding, "They work even better when accompanied by some honest internal reflection and some deeper internal work that gets to the subconscious or unconscious level."

From there, you would take concrete steps to create the changes you're affirming.

In other words, think of affirmations as training your brain to come back to your values and what you love about yourself, notes icensed marriage and family therapist Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT. The more you do it, the easier it will be to "naturally feel a sense of worthiness and ease," she adds.

177 affirmations for women

Self love affirmations for women

  1. I am loving.
  2. I am imperfect, like everyone else, and that's OK.
  3. I deserve love and partnership.
  4. I am generous.
  5. I am thoughtful.
  6. I am beautiful.
  7. I am—and will always be—a work in progress.
  8. My relationship to myself is entirely up to me.
  9. I feel good about who I am.
  10. I have people in my life who deeply care about me.
  11. I am worthy of the life I desire.
  12. I am worthy of success.
  13. I am perfect as I am today, and there is still room for growth.
  14. I accept there may always be parts of myself I'd like to work on.
  15. I'm doing my best.
  16. I am more than my job.
  17. I am enough.
  18. I courageously step into the vulnerability of uncertainty/love/discomfort.
  19. I get out of my comfort zone and see it as an opportunity for growth, resilience, and self-love.
  20. I love myself.
  21. I am worthy of respect and kindness.
  22. I accept all of me.
  23. I am a good friend to myself and others.
  24. I am lovable just as I am.
  25. I am worthy of my dreams.
  26. I like myself.
  27. I deserve to feel safe and secure.
  28. I am grateful for my healthy body.
  29. I am grateful for my inquisitive mind.
  30. I am an instrument of love.
  31. My wildest dreams are attainable.
  32. I always look out for myself.
  33. I am an uplifting force.
  34. I am in tune with the universe.
  35. I am connected to something greater.
  36. I love my life.

Morning affirmations for women

  1. I am creating the life I desire.
  2. I get to decide how I treat myself today and every day.
  3. I welcome good things into my life.
  4. I am well rested.
  5. My body is powerful.
  6. I am energized.
  7. I wake each morning with a smile.
  8. I feel so alive.
  9. Every day I am better than yesterday.
  10. Every day I embody the best version of myself.
  11. I am excited for this day.
  12. I am so grateful to be alive.
  13. I'm going to have a great day.
  14. I will see today's work through.
  15. I am ready for this day.
  16. I will meet any challenges with grace.
  17. I will be kind today.
  18. I will smile at people today.
  19. I am in tune with my highest vibration.
  20. I am in tune with my soul.
  21. It's a great day to have a great day.
  22. Carpe diem.
  23. The day is mine for the taking.

Self care affirmations for women

  1. I prioritize myself.
  2. I matter to myself.
  3. I am my main focus.
  4. I show myself love every day.
  5. I take care of myself.
  6. I know what's best for me.
  7. I am worthy of fun.
  8. I am worthy of connection.
  9. I am worthy of rest.
  10. I am worthy of peace.
  11. I am worthy of health.
  12. I treat my body with love and care.
  13. I release what no longer serves me.
  14. I am adaptable.
  15. I make decisions that support my highest good.
  16. I make time for myself.
  17. I make time for relaxation.
  18. My body is a temple.
  19. I love pampering myself.
  20. I handle difficulty with grace.
  21. I am in touch with my emotions.

Calming affirmations for women

  1. I prioritize my own peace.
  2. I feel content.
  3. I am positive.
  4. I love being alive.
  5. I am peaceful.
  6. I cannot control my external environment, but I can control how I respond internally.
  7. I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.
  8. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.
  9. I am present.
  10. I need only focus on right here, right now.
  11. I am relaxed.
  12. I am calm.
  13. I can get through difficulties.
  14. I release any tension and effort.
  15. I am safe.
  16. I am at home in my breath and body.
  17. I am willing to see love available to me in this experience.
  18. My heart is open.
  19. My mind is still.
  20. My inner waters are calm.
  21. My body is relaxed.
  22. My body is safe and healthy.

Confidence affirmations for women

  1. I am confident.
  2. I am intelligent.
  3. I am courageous.
  4. I am strong.
  5. I pursue my goals.
  6. I am powerful.
  7. I will press on and go forward.
  8. I believe in myself.
  9. I stand up for what I believe in.
  10. I take healthy risks.
  11. I trust myself.
  12. I listen to my intuition and inner voice.
  13. I am resilient.
  14. I know my worth.
  15. I radiate confidence.
  16. I am my biggest fan.
  17. I am always learning and growing.
  18. I am evolving.
  19. I am capable of overcoming anything.
  20. No challenge is too great for me.
  21. I always overcome obstacles.
  22. Nothing can stand in my way.
  23. I can get through hardship.
  24. I am focused.
  25. I will accomplish all my tasks today.
  26. I attract success.
  27. I am on my game.
  28. I will be productive today.
  29. I am brimming with great ideas.
  30. My mind is clear.
  31. I am organized.
  32. My dreams are coming true.
  33. I create my own reality.
  34. What I focus on comes to me.
  35. I call in my highest self.
  36. I call in abundance.
  37. Abundance is all around me.
  38. My goals are mine to reach.
  39. What I seek is seeking me.
  40. Energy flows where attention goes.
  41. I take aligned action toward my goals.

Happiness affirmations for women

  1. I do things that nourish my soul.
  2. I matter to my loved ones.
  3. I make the world a better place.
  4. My life is a testament of love.
  5. I am in tune with my highest self.
  6. Love is always available to me.
  7. I have so much love to give.
  8. I radiate love and compassion.
  9. I am grateful for who I am.
  10. I am proud of myself.
  11. I am happy and healthy.
  12. I am living with purpose.
  13. Every day is a gift.
  14. I am full of joy.
  15. I'm surrounded by love.
  16. My life is abundant.
  17. I have everything I need.
  18. I always pick myself back up.
  19. I am deserving of what I desire, and I will achieve it.
  20. I am a wonderful person.
  21. I radiate happiness.
  22. My happiness is my responsibility.
  23. I find gratitude in tiny moments.
  24. I am grateful for this life.
  25. I am grateful for the Earth.
  26. My life is a gift.
  27. I am blessed.
  28. My life is blessed.

The takeaway

Repeating positive affirmations is a great way to begin reframing your mental patterns, shifting into positive thinking, and changing your outlook. Choose a few to repeat in the mornings, throughout the day, and/or before bed,

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