The Beauty & Wellness Products That Judy Greer Has Been Using As Of Late

For beloved character actress Judy Greer, keeping a consistent schedule isn't always doable. This is a woman who stays booked and busy. Her laundry list of credits include everything from sitcoms to silver screen, leading turns to cameos, rom-coms and comedies to horror and heartfelt dramas. And in each project, big and small, Greer delivers.
Well, I was absolutely charmed to find out that she brings that same dedication to Zoom calls with beauty journalists who are curious about her beauty and wellness habits. Over the course of our 45-minute video call, she was not only willing but eager to share the details of what she's been using. I started the call as I always do: By explaining the gist of the series, which is that how we take care of ourselves changes over time—that there's an ebb and flow to all of this.
She jumped right in. "I never have a routine," she says, laughing. "I'm an actor, so it's like I'm either working 14 hours a day or I'm not working or I'm taking a ton of meetings. There's nothing set in stone for me."
Here, what she's up to as of late.
Tried and true: A nightly wash
"I never, ever go to bed without washing my face. I'm always completely shocked when friends admit to me that they may not. It's something that I'm just really good at.
"I have to admit something, though. They discontinued the face cleanser that I used, a Cetaphil antibacterial cleansing bar. So I bought it in bulk while I could still get some. I frantically ran around to every drugstore and supermarket. I have so much of it, and I'm so obsessive about using it. I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out. I always look for it when I'm in other countries because just maybe they didn't discontinue it there.
"I travel so much for work, so I'll take a knife to cut a sliver off to take with me in a Ziploc bag. That way, if I leave it or forget it somewhere, it's not a whole thing. My husband, my sweet husband, has left bars in the hotel showers before. So I told him, You're not in charge of it anymore, I'm in charge of the soap. Plus, this way you're not using hotel stuff, those little bottles. Listen, I'm from the Midwest, so I see a little bottle of free shit, and it's really hard not to take it. But having my little sliver of bar soap helps me avoid all that.
"I would encourage people to use bars of soap because if you get a good one, it's better for the environment. And they sell all kinds now, without even any packaging at all.
"Or sometimes I'll use oil, too. For one winter I was working in New York City, and my skin was getting really dry. So I started washing my face every day with olive oil. I found a recipe on Pinterest: One-quarter castor oil to three-quarters olive oil. That winter so many people were asking me what I was doing to my skin!"
The professional rec: Retinol and hyaluronic acid
"I see Christie Kidd, PA-C, and she makes this product called Perfect Skin Renewal Serum. This is a product I've been using for over 10 years. It's a retinol with hyaluronic acid and all that good stuff."
The non-negotiables: Movement and journaling
"I have to have some form of exercise every day. Sometimes it's just a walk. Actually, walking is my favorite thing to do. But as long as I can get in some kind of movement and fresh air, that's what I care about.
"And this isn't really skin care, but I believe our skin reacts to what's going on in our heads and our bodies. I'm a big proponent of journaling. It just helps clean out my brain. I've been doing morning pages for over 20 years. I wake up and it's usually the first thing I do."
Surprise hit: A hydrating mist
"They sent me this mist, and I'm pretty obsessed with it. There's a bit more to it than just a refreshing spray—it has more moisturizing qualities in it. When you use it, the consistency is a little milky white, so you have to pat it in.
"I really enjoy it in the summertime because that's when I don't want to use a lot of moisturizer. So this is a great thing to spray on my face, then put sunscreen over it. I'm obsessive about sunscreen every day."
The up-and-coming: Holistic menopause support
"I find a lot of inspiration from other people. That's how I get my inspiration as an artist, for the characters I play, for my work, and for my life. I find a lot of inspiration from the different ways that people live their lives: how they eat, how they dress, and how they move. I'm just one of those people who love to ask other folks for advice. I love to hear about their routines, their tricks, and all that stuff. I'm a sponge for information.
"Heading into my 40s—as my friends and I are getting older, and entering this decade that we're experiencing new hormonal shifts that we haven't before—I started having these conversations with women my age and women older than me. I was like, I'm so tired. Or, I walk into a room and forget why I'm in it. Or I've been snappy lately. We were all experiencing the same thing.
"A year ago, when Wile launched, nobody was talking about perimenopause or menopause. Those were like swear words, but now so many conversations are being had about this. And I'm really happy to be a part of a company that takes a more personal approach. It's not one pill to fix everything. Every body is different, everyone's chemistry is different, and we're all going through different things."
The pleasure: LED and infrared
"I use an LED mask regularly—the Dr. Dennis Gross one. It was a splurge, but I love it because it only takes three minutes to use it.
"I also love infrared saunas. Not only does that feel like a price splurge, but it's a time splurge too because I sit in there for 45 minutes. That feels so decadent because ultimately time feels like the most valuable thing.
"I've been working with a health coach named Daphne Javitch (who has a site called Doing Well) on and off for several years. She's the first person who told me to find one and sit inside of it. She meant an actual infrared sauna, like a box, but I don't have room for that in my house. So instead I use the Higher Dose infrared blanket. My husband calls it the hot bag.
"She really believes in it because it stimulates your metabolism, helps with recovery, and obviously sweating is just really good for you. But to be honest, at this point in my life, I feel that anything I can do for stress reduction is worth it. Like, if it detoxes me—great. If it ramps up my metabolism—great. If it does all those things—great. But if laying in a hot sleeping bag for 45 minutes listening to a yummy novel on Audible can reduce my stress, then that's what I really care about."
Dr. Dennis Gross Spectralite Faceware Pro

The skin care tip my friend taught me: SPF for your hands
"My friend told me 20-plus years ago to put sunscreen on my hands before I drive my car. Let me tell you, if you live in Southern California that sun is pounding on you. And maybe you're protecting your face, but then you get in your car and you're stuck in traffic for 45 minutes on a freeway in Los Angeles or anywhere in the world where the sun is shining, and those UV rays are hitting your hands. So put sunscreen on them before you drive!"